do u ever think bout before u became a parent...


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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do u ever think to urself what the HELL u used to do with all ur free time?! :lol: :wall: im totally baffled coz altho iv been a mum for a whole year now and in some ways it dont seem like 2 minutes ago when i was pregnant in other ways it feels like iv had a baby to look after for everrrrrrrrr! i only work 21 hours (3 days) a week but i never get to stay in bed late on my "days off" im up just as early with the baby. im never still asleep after 7.30am- which pre-baby to me was more like a going-to-bed-time than a waking-up time :lol:
most of my free time im on PF or facebook so if ya dont see me online im probably busy! and i wouldnt say im online that much!?!
iv always got something to do, and i just cant even think now how i used to fill up all that spare time i mustve had! ok i worked full-time before but only 12 hours more than i do now and i did 3 12-hour shifts so i still had 4 days at home every week. FOUR!! what on earth was i doing all day?! :lol: i dont remember ever being bored so i mustve been doing something, altho i dont kno what! iv always been a housewife too i dont expect my boyf to do "womens job"s but back then it wasnt THAT important, not like now iv got a crawling baby putting everything into her mouth- in the old days if there was a bit of dirt on the floor it wasnt a health-hazard and even if a glass got broken didnt even have to move it straight away, could just pick up the pieces and the little sharp splinters and fragments could be swept up later, not a big deal as we both knew it was there and werent gonna go sitting on it or eating it :lol: now its imperative that the floor is spotless- clean and CERTAINLY without little bits of glass etc!

just amazes me really how much extra time people have before babies come along! i never appreciated it :lol:
its that long ago that i was young and free i have forgotten what it was like :rotfl:
Sleep! And go out way toooo much
I used to sleep in on a Saturday until at least 2pm :shock: :lol:
I can't really remember. I was just your average teenager, obsessed with music and going out...god that would bore me shitless now...I've grown up so fast I haven't got a clue what it was like to be irresponsible...I didn't really think about it much at the time either! Oh well, life's a lot more fulfilling and interesting now :lol:
I'm used to being on demand anyway. If it wasn't 1 sister it was the other. They're just a bit calmer about ringing me up. My older sister has a baby a little younger than Angel so in the day we try and do things together. Generally i go to her as she lives in town. But i've always been busy so used to it. And while pregnant i couldn't sleep well. I peed alot in the night so sleepless nights weren't an issue, and early mornings getting up for work. I worked right up to the beginning of my 39th week. I never went out at night before so don't miss it now.
And i've just realised i'm the dullest 21 year old! Lol
:rotfl: me and OH talk about this allll the time, I just don't know what the hell I did with my time. And I used to always put things off thinking gah no time to do that and always felt like there was not anough hours in the day :roll: If only I knew then what I know now :lol:
I've been mummy for nearly 9 years... I can't actually remember what life was like before I was... :shock:
I used to sleep more, Have more sex, go out for more meals. Take loadsa holidays, Go to friends at night - cant do that any more as Cait has to be in bed lol.

I agree tho Trixi, there really isnt enough hours in the day, atm Caitlyn sleeps about 18 hours in the day, so i have time to get my jobs done, but when she gets older and wants entertaining :shock: what then?!
1sttimemum said:
Kimbo said:
1sttimemum said:
what then?!

you pull your hair out :lol: :lol:
only joking i love it now :)

Will i have time :rotfl:

i think its even more exhausting now! not only does she sleep less but when she IS awake i cant turn my back on her for a second coz she's so mobile and inquisitive and demanding- gone are the days when i could put her in the middle of the room on a pillow and nip off to make a cup of tea and be confident she'd stay exactly how i left her! but i do love it more now tho :D
I think about this all the time!

I did used to get lots more done. The house was never quite this messy and I was more on top of my emails and phone calls and filing and cleaning windows and things like that. I had more time to chill and do things like shop online for house insurance and read more forums and read books! I did loads, nothing interesting - but I am struggling at the moment with lack of me time and I'm still off on maternity leave! DD is hard work now she's crawling and cruising! I had time to paint my nails and think about meals for the week and think about what to buy people for their birthdays (rather than send a card at the last minute!) - oooh I really wish I'd made the most of ALL that lovely FREE time now!

I also can't believe how free and easy people seem to be without babies/children. We were at the shops today and there were people just wandering about looking at the clothes all free and easy (the cheek), without having about 90 seconds to look at items, not try it on, make a choice, pay etc before having to leave to go to the next shop to fit shopping round naps, nappy changes, meals, milk feeds etc - and they didn't have a buggy (obviously) either - so jealous!

Valentine Xxx
I do and its something I miss alot, its probably why i'm so down 50% of the time. Don't get me wrong I wouldn't change Harrison for the world but I didn't really get a chance to live a little. I wish I had have been more careful and waited untill I was a bit older, wiser and settled properly.

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