do u agree or disagree?

We will try when Luke is about 15 months (So around this time next year(ish)) :)
considering we caught right away.. i know we will be wating for a specific time of year.. probably be trying in the november next year if i get my own way :rotfl: alex said we will see in a few years.. but i think id have my own way eventually :P i want a summer baby next time.. charlottes birthday is in november.. alex's is in november and teds and me are in december.. im xmas day and teds is newyrs eve as u can tell its an expensive time of year for us.. chances are il have the next one earier than 37 weeks again so we will be judging this next one carefully.

if i knew i would have a really well behaved baby i would probably have it before teds is 2 1/2 -3 but i really wanna breastfeed again next time and i will need him to be at a good age so i can do it.

i dont think its anyone elses choice only your own.. you should perhaps wait a little while because at around 3 months babies tend to get really hard work imo.. and carry on liek that till they are aobut 1 lol.
Medically you are advised to wait a year to 18 months between babies. That's because pregnancy, (and I am sure anyone who has been heavily pregnant agrees) puts huge demands and strains on your body. The reason why we are supposed to take vits during pregnancy is because the growing foetus consumes all our intake and most of our stores. Which means should you decide to have another baby within a few months of your first, you run the risk of having a smaller birth weight baby or the baby coming early. They say it takes 9 months for your body to get where it is at birth and it will take at least 9 months for your body to get back to where it was before. Its important to let your body rest so that its in good shape for your next.

Saying that people get pregnant straight after their first and everything is fine.

Personally, I like to spend time with my babies, drink in their smiles and cuddles, watch them develop and devote my time to them for at least a couple of years, which I don't think I could do if I had a similar pregnancy as I have with my first two, and then a newborn to care for... They'd get kinda pushed out.

Having an 8 year age gap has had many benefits but it means that my girls won't really play together, more the older one entertains the younger one while I'm cleaning or making food. But saying that I got to bond better and could easily breast feed because the eldest could entertain herself.

Don't get me wrong, I'd love another right now, but I know that my body needs some down time, especially as I am still breastfeeding. My friend had a toddler and a baby and she had lots of trouble bfing because the toddler was so demanding.... and I want to be able to give my next one the best start I can. :)
DebbieM said:
You changed your mind about trying at 6 months then? I don't blame you!

lol yes but not for all the reasons I gave above. Its the body needing time to recover itself one that has done for me. I was prepared for the rest :lol:

I've made sure I've kept myself in good condition so to speak, during and after pregnancy, so my body could all being well cope, and we had been planning on trying from 6 months. But my bladder problem is atm still so problematic that we just don't know if I'll be able to cope should I get pregnant sooner rather than later. Or ever. Its been 9 weeks now and I've still a long way to go to get back to anything like normal. So we have decided to wait a while longer even if it repairs itself sooner.
Squiglet said:
Medically you are advised to wait a year to 18 months between babies. That's because pregnancy, (and I am sure anyone who has been heavily pregnant agrees) puts huge demands and strains on your body. The reason why we are supposed to take vits during pregnancy is because the growing foetus consumes all our intake and most of our stores. Which means should you decide to have another baby within a few months of your first, you run the risk of having a smaller birth weight baby or the baby coming early. They say it takes 9 months for your body to get where it is at birth and it will take at least 9 months for your body to get back to where it was before. Its important to let your body rest so that its in good shape for your next.

Saying that people get pregnant straight after their first and everything is fine.

Personally, I like to spend time with my babies, drink in their smiles and cuddles, watch them develop and devote my time to them for at least a couple of years, which I don't think I could do if I had a similar pregnancy as I have with my first two, and then a newborn to care for... They'd get kinda pushed out.

Having an 8 year age gap has had many benefits but it means that my girls won't really play together, more the older one entertains the younger one while I'm cleaning or making food. But saying that I got to bond better and could easily breast feed because the eldest could entertain herself.

Don't get me wrong, I'd love another right now, but I know that my body needs some down time, especially as I am still breastfeeding. My friend had a toddler and a baby and she had lots of trouble bfing because the toddler was so demanding.... and I want to be able to give my next one the best start I can. :)

I agree with squiglet. Cally arrived before we planed, I had only just got OH to agree that night to try for another in a few months time, and we were druk and Cally was the result. And don't get me wrong I would not change my life now for anyhting, I love my two girls and it has worked out for me. However Seren had just turned 18months and I found pregnancy a real struggle physically. I had terrible morning sickness for the first 16 weeks and poor Seren had toput up with a mum who just lay on the sofa being ill. Then in the thrid tri my SPD came back and I struggled to carry Seren, get her out of the bath etc. Luckily Seren was walking a lot, I don't know how I could have managed to look after her if she had been younger. Seren was just over 2 when Cally arrived and on the whole has taken to being a big sister very well but does struggle with the concept "in a minute". If she had been a bit older perhaps she would have a better understanding? Saying that though she has bee great,especialy with the breastfeeding - she understands that Cally needs to have milk and often sits next to me breastfeeding her doll. And they are so close, Seren loves playing with Cally and Cally just beams when she hears Seren. We are going to have a third but we have decided Cally is in nursery so I can have some time with the new baby. Seren has two mornings in nursery at the moment which is mine and Cally's time together and its lovely as I feel guilty that when Seren was a baby she had my undivided attention.
If I had 2 nannies, 3 houskeepers, 1 gardener, personal trainer, dietologist and tons of money - 5 in a row (well, with five I might need more nannies) :rotfl:

But the way it is now....not for me. I need time to recover my body, finances and emotional balance before having another one.
my two wernet this close on purpose. But i have to say its the biggest blessing.

Yes its hard work, very hard work. I have bad days where i LITRALLY do not get 3 minutes to my self.

The second pregnancy was soooo hard work, with a baby that wasnt even walking yet to entertain/carry etc. (the last few weeks i could hardly turn over in bed never mind get up 3 times a night for feeds) But i had the love and support of my OH which got me through the pregnancy.

My girls are already interacting with eachother every day, its lovely to see. hannah goes over to emily and laughs at her, strokes her head says 'awwwwwww' and kisses her head. And emily never takes her eyes of hannah all day She is already her hero lolol
I really look forward to them growing up together, they already look so alike, i think they will be mistaken for twins when they are older. And they already have a special bond, its clear to see.

In the long run, i think ill actually have it easier. I'll have a 3 and 4 year old at one point, lol, they will entertain eachother, play together watch films together etc rather then me having to do all the interation for one child and feeling guilty if i dont play with them every minute of the day.

It hard work, very hard work - dont enter it lightly..... BUT its also the most rewarding lovely job in the world.
Medically you are advised to wait a year to 18 months between babies. That's because pregnancy, (and I am sure anyone who has been heavily pregnant agrees) puts huge demands and strains on your body. The reason why we are supposed to take vits during pregnancy is because the growing foetus consumes all our intake and most of our stores. Which means should you decide to have another baby within a few months of your first, you run the risk of having a smaller birth weight baby or the baby coming early. They say it takes 9 months for your body to get where it is at birth and it will take at least 9 months for your body to get back to where it was before. Its important to let your body rest so that its in good shape for your next.

I agree with this. I got pregnant with Alex when Ella was 7 months old, he was born 4 weeks early (6lb 1oz) and has been sickly since birth. I don't think he got the nutrients he needed, I was still breastfeeding and my body hadn't recovered fully. He is asthmatic and suffers repeated chest infections, colds and other illnesses. Whilst this may not be due to having them so close together I do feel that it definately contributed.

It's been extremely hard work having them so close, I have two very demanding children and I often feel drained, low and isolated. I know that they may be close when they're older but the stress and strain of having them as close as we did has put huge pressure on our home life. I can't work because the nursery fees would swallow up my entire wages and then some. A lot of people can cope with spending all day every day with their kids, but I'm finding being screamed at every day by two tyrants you can't reason with quite tough.
Kina said:
A lot of people can cope with spending all day every day with their kids, but I'm finding being screamed at every day by two tyrants you can't reason with quite tough.

OMG I'm not surprised! And I think you kid yourself that 'a lot' of people cope well in that scenario. I think the vast majority of people would struggle with two toddlers and not many of them would do as sterling a job as you. :hug:
We're waiting until next summer to TTC again. We wanted a 2 yr gap and would give me at least a yr for my body to recover. I think having 2 babies close together would be v hard-going, but each to their own - if you want 4 kids, it will take a while!! I had a mc before having Emms so you have to take that into consideration as well, that might happen God forbid.

Having an April baby is great as you get the summer with the baby (reason for TTC next summer!!!)

All the best for whatever you decide . . . :D
WRONG DAY TO ASK ME :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
IM currently looking for bloody horns on Joes head. :wall: :wall:
midna said:
dont disagee with it ..but deffo aint for me ..I feel my body is still recovering and I just wouldnt have the time lol

I agree - although for a while I wanted another straight after but now he's so fussy I wouldn't have time to sh*t :wall:

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