Do I take the job?

star fish

Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2010
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I'm on a temporary contract at a new job. And i hate it, I'm just sticking it out cos the money is good until i find something better. But there is talk of offering me a permanent contract and I cant help thinking about maternity pay!

Is the minimum you get in a job the same as the minimum the gov give you anyway?

If so I cant see the point in taking the job. But if you get a lot more from an employer (i would only get minimum because of not being there more than 18 months I think) then it might be worth it even though I'm miserable there?
I don't know much about maternity pay, but it sounds like you really don't like It there. Is it worth it??
I dont know, thats what i'm fretting about. I guess I'll have to do some research on Mat Pay online tomorrow.
You can get a maximum of £129 a week from maternity allowence, or its £65 a week on income support (full whack) so I guess which ever is greater really. :) (these were the rates when I was pregnant last year, so they might have gone up with the new tax year)
Depends on ur company... mine pay you 90% of your salary for your first 6 weeks. After that, its just the government standard pay. My friends company however paid her in full for 6 months
I'd basically started work for my employer at the start of Oct '10 and was pregnant by the end of Oct '10 and cos I wasn't working there long enough I only get SMP which is paid through my employer but same rate as dole which is £128 odds.

Depends also if you qualify for SMP. If you look on benefits website under maternity pay it should explain it better. x
Statutory Maternity Pay

In order to qualify the employee must have at least 26 weeks' continuous service in or before the 15th week and must have paid National Insurance Contributions for each of the eight weeks ending with the 15th week before the EWC.

Employees who do not qualify for SMP may be entitled to a Statutory Maternity Allowance (SMA) which is payable by the government.

SMP is paid for up to 26 weeks with the first six weeks at 90% of normal pay and the rest at the standard rate of SMP or 90% of normal pay if this is less than the standard rate.

The only thing I'd check is if you have to pay it back if you quit after your mat leave ends. The council I work for requests this if an employee quits within 3 months after returning to work.

Loving seeing you in tri 1 :)
ooh and your employer may give you full pay to start with and then you go on to stat.xx
^^^ what Olive said, that saved me a lot of typing (u can tell we work in HR!)
As far as I'm aware, the SMP rate you don't have to pay back if you leave your job, its anything more than that your employer pays you. As in, some employers have an occupational maternity pay benefit which pays more, and if you leave they may request any additional amount, minus the SMP rate that was paid to you. x
Thanks girls - still undecided

Olive - I miss you! xxx
I want you to get the next bfp sooo much!

Well I've decided that I wont take the job. But I do have a couple of interviews and I am fretting about the fact that its really wrong to take a job and not tell them I'm pregnant. A friend of mine who owns a company said she had a girl join who turned out to be pregnant and it cost her business huge amounts as she had to pay for 2 people rather than one and almost put her out of business, and how much she avoids employing women now.

So if I temp til I give birth then what? I dont think i'm entitled to any benefits because my husband earns a reasonable salary. Yet not really enough to survive on just that, our mortgage is massive - oh help - I am all confused!
Did you not used to work from home? Could you not go back to that?
I want you to get the next bfp sooo much!
Thanks my love. Me too, but doesn't seem to happen for me :( So glad you're here though :hug:

I'll have a little look on the net and see what I can find.

I think you should write a book on ttc and pregnancy. Use your talent and experience! Sure everyone on here would buy it!

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I want you to get the next bfp sooo much!
Thanks my love. Me too, but doesn't seem to happen for me :( So glad you're here though :hug:

I'll have a little look on the net and see what I can find.

I think you should write a book on ttc and pregnancy. Use your talent and experience! Sure everyone on here would buy it!


Ha ha! And now you are here!!!!!! :yay:

I'd love to write a book on it, if only I could get an advance! Dont think my publisher would approve, its quite a jump from paranormal romance!

Tracey, yes I did work from home writing, but we need the income right now and even if i started another book right this minute it would be at least a year before I got paid, it totally sucks! So it has to go on hold til we sort out our finances again :-(
I want you to get the next bfp sooo much!
Thanks my love. Me too, but doesn't seem to happen for me :( So glad you're here though :hug:

I'll have a little look on the net and see what I can find.

I think you should write a book on ttc and pregnancy. Use your talent and experience! Sure everyone on here would buy it!

Ha ha! And now you are here!!!!!! :yay:

I'd love to write a book on it, if only I could get an advance! Dont think my publisher would approve, its quite a jump from paranormal romance!

Tracey, yes I did work from home writing, but we need the income right now and even if i started another book right this minute it would be at least a year before I got paid, it totally sucks! So it has to go on hold til we sort out our finances again :-(

Oooooooo I always wanted to ask you about your writing. It seems so hard to get an income from it.
Yeah, dont become a writer if you want to make money! Its more like a vocation, there is nothing else I want to do, but needs must unfortunately.......

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