Do babies just keep getting bigger each time?


Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2008
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I have 3 daughters and they have each been bigger than the last!

Chloe was induced 4 weeks early due to pre-eclampsia and weighed 5lb 13oz (hospital - epidural)

Molly was 5 days overdue and weighed 9lb 5oz (waterbirth at home - gas and air)

Roxy was 5 days overdue and weighed 10lb (waterbirth at home - gas and air ran out!!!)

So in my experience my 4th baby is likely to be even bigger which is a bit scary as Roxy got stuck at her shoulders.

What experiences have other people had? Did your second/third etc get bigger? And how big did they get?!
I know a Mum of 4 and in order of largest to smallest

Second baby
First baby
Fourth baby
Third baby (premature by a few weeks)

I also know a Mum of 3 and her largest was her first. Smallest was her third.
1st Kieron 10 days late 8lb 9oz
2nd Hananh 4 weeks early 10lb 4oz
1st was 7lb 10oz 9 days over due
2nd was 7lb 2 weeks early
3rd was 7lb 10z 2 weeks early
4th was 7lb 7oz 10 days over due
My 1st was 6lb 11oz
2nd was 8lb 11oz
3rd was 9lb 5oz and his shoulders got stuck
I am one of 4 and we got bigger each time - mum has no idea whether we were early, late or on time though (she wasn't big on family planning so has no idea when we were due!) My friend is one of five and the summer babies were always smaller than the winter ones - her mum thinks the seasons have an effect.
Just have to wait and see i guess!
My first was my biggest at 10lbs 10oz (18 days overdue)

Alex, my second, was 10lbs 1oz (15 days overdue)
I'm the eldest of 6 (and not planning to repeat that!) Our weights had no pattern!

Me (40+4) - 7lb 15
Brother (41) - 7lb 7
Sister (39+3) - 6lb 11
Brother (40) - 8lb 4
Sister (40+5) - 7lb 9
Brother (41+6) - 8lb 7

So I think we would have all been roughly the same if we'd all been born at 40 weeks exactly.

(The others are all a lot younger than me which is the only reason I know all the above!)
Julie84 said:
I'm the eldest of 6 (and not planning to repeat that!) Our weights had no pattern!

Me (40+4) - 7lb 15
Brother (41) - 7lb 7
Sister (39+3) - 6lb 11
Brother (40) - 8lb 4
Sister (40+5) - 7lb 9
Brother (41+6) - 8lb 7

So I think we would have all been roughly the same if we'd all been born at 40 weeks exactly.

(The others are all a lot younger than me which is the only reason I know all the above!)

that's so cool that they alternated girl/boy/girl/boy/girl/boy LD
Someone in our village has 5 kids and hers got bigger as they went along...

I'm more worried about labours getting FASTER! :rotfl:
Xena said:
that's so cool that they alternated girl/boy/girl/boy/girl/boy LD
It was quite well done really! :lol: Uncle Jack (youngest) will be 9 months old when my baby is born (I still think that sounds a bit like a Jeremy Kyle show title!! :oops: :oops: )
debecca said:
Someone in our village has 5 kids and hers got bigger as they went along...

I'm more worried about labours getting FASTER! :rotfl:

All mine got heavier each time, 7lbs 12, 8lbs 7, 8lbs 9 but the labours didnt get any faster! lol
My 3rd was about 11 hours!! :rotfl:
debecca said:
I'm more worried about labours getting FASTER! :rotfl:

Don't mind too much about that - why prolong the agony?!!

My 1st was 6 1/2 hours, 2nd was 4 hours and 3rd was 2 1/2 hours so lets go for an hour this time! Just enough time for my Mum to get across to babysit then make it to hosp!

I had homebirths with the younger 2 but OH wants a hospital birth this time as he is scared of complications due to the big baby scenario! (no.3 was stuck for 20 min with head born as her head was 38cm and shoulders were 40 cm).

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