predict your birth

~*Leanne*~ said:
i HOPE i have a very quick and easy labour, like in my dream (one push and she 'slid' out :rotfl: )

Hmm, now that is my kinda labour! :rotfl:
aramintalovegrove said:
Last time I had a really good sex session bled post coitally and was whisked away in an ambulance to the ward, had a disturbed nights sleep and was induced the next day 4 days early lots of screaming pain but 4 hours later and no cuts/grazes I had DS.

I wouldnt mind that again :)

Knowing how this pregnancy has been this is how I think it will go....

8 weeks overdue they tell me that they got their dates wrong and Im actually going to give birth Oct 2009 I have to carry my bump in a wheebarrow its soooo big and after a weeks labour she comes out in her school uniform and a sandwich in one hand telling me Im a bad mother and she is filing for emmancipation in the court.
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
dannii87 said:
Oooh!! Fun idea!! :cheer:

Realistically, this is what I genuinely think will happen;

I will be 10 days overdue and will start getting contractions around 11pm that evening (with only niggles during the day as a sign)... They will continue until about 5am where I head off to hospital. Hospital won't think I'm progressing like I should and I will go on a drip at 10am the next morning after they break my waters (after 12 hours of contractions leading nowhere). After getting an epi at 12:30pm, Evie will arrive at 4pm on the 11th day of being overdue weighing 7lb 13oz.

Ideally, this is what I would LIKE to happen;

My waters suddenly break 22:36 on Wednesday 20th August at 2 days early. (see when this post was posted :rotfl: ) I will start getting a few minor contractions and then the Stork knocks on my door to deliver a smiling Evie, all clean and warm, Mummy's bits in tact, where I successfully stick her on my boob and we all lived happily ever after :lol: xx
Haha!! My birth was SOOOOOO far from this it's unreal!!! lol

But, she was 6lb 13oz so I was a pound off! And I did have an epi (it just didn't work :evil: ). I was induced and it WAS progressing, and Miss was born at 7 mins off 4o'clock!! x
Ha ha Awww I remember this thread! It seems so long ago since you were in 3rd tri Dannii! And Im still here! :( haha
Shall we start this one up again?

I reakon i will go to the obstetrician on Thursday (so i will be overdue at that point) and they will do a sweep, I will then go into labour on the saturday night and it will be really busy and i will be told to go away and come back. I will then go back and wont be allowed to use the pool (as it will be occupied) so will have to give birth in the delivery suite. I will (hopefully) manage on gas an air but will have an episiotomy.

I will have a girl and she will weigh 7lb 8oz.

Claire x
Haha after reading that i want to predict :rotfl: (forgetting this weeks complaints haha!)

in 25 days on the 9th of december (10 days early) i will start having niggley contrations starting at 4pm. after two hours my lower back will start hurting so i get in the shower to ease the pain. after the shower and taking a paracetamol i have a lay down for a hour and get up with my waters breaking all over the new sheets ... we then call the midwife and she comes out to check me and im 3cm dilated so we get the TENS machine. i turn on the music channel to take my mind off the pain untill it starts getting intense half hour later. i will then have OH rubbing my back and fetching me my icecubes and holding a cold flannel on my forehead. i progress to 4-5cm and start using the G&A. i will concentrate on my breathing and next get examined at 12 pm and am 6cm from then on everything goes very quickly and i gave birth to our little Nicky weighing 6lb2oz at 2:16am Wednesday 10th 2008 :D
lisa282 said:
I will be 2 days overdue, go into labour in the evening and have a 5 hour labour. Baby will be a girl, born at 2am, weighing 9lb 5oz and I will manage the pain with a waterbirth and gas & air

:hug: :hug: :hug:

Mine was actually pretty accurate! :clap: I went into labour at 7pm, lasted just over 3 hours and Eden was born at 10.10pm. I was 2 days overdue as predicted :wink: and managed with just the water and a little gas & air :cheer: Oh but I was a pound out on the weight, as she was only 8lb 6oz :D :D Anybody elses predictions come true? :hug:
nickilubs wrote:
Me thinks my waters will break as I'm walking to work and I will get a lift home she will be born at around 9-10pm whist some wham song will be playing on the laptop LOL weighing 6lb 2oz. I will just have gas and spend most of my labour making cups of tea, food, and in the shower and stood dancing to cheezy 80s music and being cuddled and scratched and rubbed by my OH :D

I will probably still be giggling all the way through except the pushing part where I will be listening to every word midwife says and begging to God I don't tear!!!

LOL yay mine was about right!

My waters broke in hospital at, she was born at 2.51am we were singing "it keeps raining" by Bitty McLean and she weighed 6lb 10oz. I only had gas, I was eating flap jacks and chicken sarnies drinking tea and danced around my ward till I led on the bed and my waters broke. And my other pain relief was my OH giving me lots of back rubs lol!

And I listened to every word my Midwife said (not because Im a good girl,.....because she scared the shite out of me lol) and yep I tore!
If i dont have a c section before hand i will be 2 weeks overdue (christmas) be in slow labour for those 2 overdue weeks and have to have all the pain relief possible and will prob be 10lb 5oz born at silly o clock in the morning :rotfl: :rotfl:

basically everything i dont want to happen as thats my luck lol
aramintalovegrove said:
Last time I had a really good sex session bled post coitally and was whisked away in an ambulance to the ward, had a disturbed nights sleep and was induced the next day 4 days early lots of screaming pain but 4 hours later and no cuts/grazes I had DS.

I wouldnt mind that again :)

Knowing how this pregnancy has been this is how I think it will go....

8 weeks overdue they tell me that they got their dates wrong and Im actually going to give birth Oct 2009 I have to carry my bump in a wheebarrow its soooo big and after a weeks labour she comes out in her school uniform and a sandwich in one hand telling me Im a bad mother and she is filing for emmancipation in the court.

Gosh this seems like a LIFETIME ago

Mine was spot on :rotfl: :fib:

Being in hozzy for those few days waiting without certainy for a space to free up on the labour ward I certainly felt 8 weeks overdue, she didnt have a sandwich though :wink:
I think mine will be similar to last time, pretty quick and not much warning. I'm hoping I'll go a little bit early - I've got the night of 11th/12th December in my head as a 'good' day :D

I predict it'll be a boy, weighing 7lb 12oz, 4 days early (12th December) at 4am after a 2 hour labour.

That'd be nice, anyway :)
I wont predict the labour as tbh each time I try to think how it might go, my head goes blank?!
But I will say that we have all guessed a date and a weight so will post them!

I said, 4th Dec (8 days over) and weighing 8lbs 2oz
Joe said 20th Nov (6 days early) and weighing 6lbs 8oz
Joseph 18th Nov OR 27th Nov (8days early or 1 day late) and weighing 8lbs 4oz
Dillon 1st OR 2cd Dec (5 or 6 days late) and weighing 7lbs 6oz
Lucy 16th OR 17th Nov (9 or 10 days early) and weighing 8lbs 7oz

So we will see who is closest hahahaha
Ok here goes, ill go into labour tonight or tommorrow night. Wander the house al night labouring quietly, go to hossie approx 6am and have bubs at 8am be home for 2pm.

Sound like a plan to me

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