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Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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think their babies sh!t dont stink (i mean literally?!) :rotfl:

i was all prepared for horrendous nappy stench that i'd heard comes with having a baby, vut i can honestly say that millie's poo does not smell even in the least bit offensive! it smells kinda sweet, almost nice actually!
is it just a mum thing?!
her sick doesnt smell too nasty either, just slightly sour.

hehe just curious!
its because you are b/feeding ..Dylans poo smelled lovely or so i thought anyway :oops: when he was first born now he stinks :rotfl:
Once they hit about 10 months it really does stink! I usually change Nathans nappy and get OH to do Aimees,lol.
I've heard breastfeeding babies poop doesn't smell so bad but once you introduce formula or solids the smell changes....for the worse!! :lol:
Once they start eating real food it really stinks!!!! Oooh nasty!!
Yeah - on breast milk Naomi's dirties usually smelled kinda like cookies or brown bread!

Once she started on her veggies it STANK - particularly broccoli and once she starts on meat will be the worst! Her poo stinks just as bad as a grown ups now. And sometimes when she has something like bolognese you'd swear it hadn't stopped at all on the way through!

I would love to say Isabella smells of roses OH NO she is one stinky little girl - I still love her though :D :D
I thought Soph's poo stunk when i changed her milk, little did i know - just wait until she is eating normal food OH MY GOD!!! :puke:
ive always thought alices nappies stank.... but i love the smell of fresh milky baby sick. :lol:

god... nappies after weening are horrid. :puke:
My daughter has a digestive disorder and allergies to soya and milk so her nappies smell like something has died in them, in addition to this my smell is super strong at the mo as i'm pregnant so ahhhhhhh it stinks!

I get OH to do it as it makes me gag!!!!

I didn't think Libby's nappies stank until whe went onto formula...OMG!!!
I think the fact that her nappies will smell worse after weaning isn't helping with my fear :|
Maias poo definately smell now! Although it didn't to start with, her farts are even worse though! :lol:
Must be a b/feeding thing...Aaliyahs reeks. I have to sit with my top over my nose sometimes :puke: I can't stand poo but I suppose you have to when your a Mum :puke:
I didnt think so at first. But now they are getting pretty smelly :rotfl: . Even my friend reckons his didnt smell bad lol. I just think its more bearable when its your own baby. My neices used to make me gag :puke: even when small babies. Mind you it was strange after having a boy to cleaning a girls bits, it gets everywhere.
Good lord wait till your kids are 3! christ i wake up every mourning thinking something has crawled into my bed and died! Stephen poo is disgusting! but it does depend on entirely what he eats! :puke:

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