I'm not a parent yet, but a teacher, and I have taught at kindergarten so I know a fair bit about correcting behaviour...
Basically it doesn't really matter what kind of consequence you give them for bad behaviour, the key is following through. If you say "if you keep screaming like that, we will go home" you need to make sure that you take them home if they keep it up, otherwise they'll learn mummy isn't serious. You need to keep trying things and see what consequence works with your child. Time out, taking toys away and going home/inside usually work with little ones.
Don't call the child bad/naughty etc. as they tend to live up to whatever label they're given. Tell them they're behaving badly or making bad choices if you want.
Stickers and rewards can be good but don't reward them every single time they do something good, and don't bribe them into behaving well. Otherwise they'll only do the right thing when there is a reward in it for them (a problem we have a lot at my primary school!!).
At kindy we make them sit on a time out stool away from the other kids/toys. We don't force them to apologise to each other or us because forcing a child to say sorry doesn't really teach them what sorry means. When they come out of time out we do make them say why they were sent to time out and what a good choice would be if they had the same problem (these kids are 3-5). Usually after that conversation they decide to apologise on their own.