Discharge or Waters??!!


Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2011
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Hi everyone,

This might be TMI but want some advice. Last week MW said I had white blood cells in my urine & kept asking about my discharge. I told her my pad was always wet by the end of the day but I hadn't noticed any thick discharge, it's more yellowey almost like pee! Anyway, she put in my notes I was getting heavy thick discharge which wasn't true & did a swab for thrush which was negative. Anyway, after monitoring it since that appt I'm sure it's more watery & clear. What is your discharge like at this point? Does it sound normal or should I try calling MW again as it could be leaking amniotic fluid? Already tried her this morning but of course her phone is off!! Xx
Does it smell of anything? Waters tend to have a slightly sweet smell x
I can't help hun, hope you get sorted though and get hold of your mw. Don't you have a number for the mw office x x
Can't smell anything but that's cos I only have scented panty liners. D'oh! I've noticed today it's milky coloured so I'm guessing that's just discharge. I might go the day without wearing a pad & see what happens.

Our MW office is only open 8:30-9:30 everyday, how crap is that!!?? I wanna get checked out so will prob ring Triage for advice xx
That's ridiculous times hun! Yes call triage and see what they say :) x x
I had this dilemma the other day hun do went and got checked out at my midwife appointment to put my mind at rest! Deffo call triage I felt so much better after she confirmed they hadn't gone xxx
Mine yesterday was more watery than usual, but it's still quite milky with a yellow tinge? But it was definitely wetter yesterday than normal as it's usually quite thick (but like you I'm all clear for thrush etc, it just appears to be normal).

If you're worried, put a used liner in a a nappy bag and take it into triage!! They'll have seen worse things I'm sure xx
Eww lol but yeah they have seen worse I spose. Well it's been milky all day so I'm not worried at the moment. Will see what happens tomo. I could just be peeing myself, I can't seem to hold it in much these days haha xx
the last 4 weeks or so i had clear fluid leaking and was assured it was just discharge even though it was gushing out at points but then when my waters went i knew it was different xx
Hey guys. I'm only second trimester but just wanted a wee bit of advice about fluid levels. When you go for your 20 week scan they measure the levels and put it in your notes but I just wanna know what a normal level is? My baby seems to always measure bigger each time we go for a scan, gaining about 3 days this time after they gained 2 at the 12 week scan. I'm probably freaking out over nothing but you guys seem to be the only people talking about amniotic fluid :p
When they measured mine the limit for high was 25 and I was at 21 and then 18 next time I think, was under API on my notes, deepest pool at 8, which was borderline high, I think we are talking cm here
I should gave said this was at 25 weeks, apologies
It says FL on my notes, which I assume is Fluid Level? It says 28.6 but they never said anything to me at the scan?
FL is most prob femur length. The fluid level would say afi.... X
My discharge has increased alot also making me think that my waters may have gone, but have been checked and luckily they haven't . I would definitely go get checked out if you feel the fluid leaking down below has increased. Don't ever think you are wasting time, it's defo better to be safe :)
Ahhh silly me :p haha yeah I've always had a lot of weird stuff going on down below :| but they told me everything was fine everytime I ask about it, so fingers crossed nothing major changes. Thank you so much guys :D Put my mind at ease :hugs:

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