Disappearing symptoms!


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2006
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Morning, yes it's me again with anohter question :oops:

The last week i have been feeling really nauseous, my boobs have been in agony, having "period pains" and i have been extremely tired - even going to sleep at 8.30 pm :sleep:

But yesterday i didn't really have those symptoms. Today my boobs are a little sore but nothing like they have been. :?

Is this something to worry about?

I'm tempted to do another pg test to make sure i'm still pg.
Hi Bexter!

I wouldnt worry. my symptoms come and go. some days i feel really ill, then the next day im fine. some days my boobs are killing me then the next day they dont seem so bad. i think its normal for this to happen. x
Hi Bex,

I'm 16 weeks pregnant now, my symptoms have come and gone like no one's business....I woke up around 10 weeks sobbing my heart out, had the naturally worried hubby asking what was wrong and me sobbing that I didn't think I was pregnant anymore. Of course he asked why and I muttered I didn't feel it anymore, nothing ached and nothing was sore, I wasn't feeling tired and my back was ok etc....I was sobbing like a crazy woman (clearly hormonal!!). Anyway a few cuddles later I was ok and thankfully DH had a doctors appointment that afternoon so I trotted along too and said about the lack of symptoms - she told me I was being a daft old thing and it was hormones coming and going, surges and dips etc. Told me to go home I was pregnant and to enjoy it. I've now got a bump and am happy as larry....try not to worry it's soooo so normal!!

Nicola xx
Thanks for your replies.

I'm so paranoid about losing this baby. Is it normal to be this pessimistic?

It's either paranoia or my raging hormones..... just every little symptom (or not) sends me on here to check with you guys :hug: .

It's gonna be a long 6 weeks before my scan. I have looked into getting an early scan privately but i have to be referred by the GP which is a pain in the ar*e :x

Argghh I'm driving myself mad, let alone you.... xx
It would be abnormal if you didn't worry!

Tri 1 does seem to last a long time, but it will soon come round.

Symptoms come and go all the time it in the early stages. I rememebr feeling the same as you, even though I did have to have 4 early scans I was still convinced there would be nothing there when I went for my 12 week scan.
I'm exactly the same too! Around weeks 5 + 6 I was feeling really tired, queasy, and boobs seemed to get huge and be tender! Now I have had about 1 week of feeling just a little tired but not too much else at all. First I was complaining about feeling rubbish, now I am complaining that I feel fine and am worried why to my poor husband! Roll on that scan!
I haven't had any symptoms for about 2 weeks now apart from the sore boobs which aren't as painful as they have been. I'm not worried about it.
When should symptoms start, I am 4.5 weeks but only really feel tired, I haven't had any sore boobs but I have had a breakout of spots with my hormones changing and low iron, is this normal or should I be worried?
Hi Tiggerstacy, i really don't think there are "normal" symptoms when it comes to pregnancy.
I'm sorry if i worried you with my post, i was having a bad day! :wink:

I haven't had any sickness except a few bouts of neausea which were hardly anything.
I have had sore boobs, and lots of tiredness but that's about it.

Basically, symptoms completely differ from one to another, and many women don't have any symptoms at all!
Please don't worry yourself, you are fine :hug: xx
Thanks Bexter, this is my first baby and we have just found out so I am worried aboiut eveything at the mo, i'm sure I will get better, or at least I hope I do lol.

Thanks again hun :hug:
Hi girls....another question from me again....sorry. :oops:

Well, Im 6 1/2 weeks now and some of my symptoms seem like they r startinbg to go away as well. bbs r still tender but not as bad as they were before. They dont really feel like they r growing to much. I have been tired but there is no morning sickness...just more along the lines of nausea with out the vomiting. We had our first scan at 5 weeks and 6 days and evenb though there was just a lil bean....we did see the heartbeat. We have another scan for my 8 week next week on Friday. Has anyone else had fluctuating symptoms at all? Or am I just going mad? :think:
I made a post to the exact same question on this thread so I won't repeat it, read up a bit. Don't worry it's normal we don't all get symptoms all the time. They come and go.

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