Hi everyone, I recently found out I am pregnant (now 5+2) and although I am so happy about it my anxiety is ruining it for me! Prior to getting my BFP I had very sore and tender boobs, which is normal for me before I get AF. Obviously AF never arrived and boobs continued to be extra tender! However over the past week this has started to ebb away, to the point where today I can barely feel any tenderness at all. I have had mild nausea on and off and some headaches (very bad one last night) but none yet today. I'm terrified that the ebbing away of my breast tenderness is a sign that the pregnancy is not progressing and I will miscarry soon. Has anyone else experienced a disappearance of a symptom in the early weeks and gone on to have a healthy pregnancy??? This is the first time I have been pregnant and I'm onvinced something is going to go wrong xxx