

Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2010
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Ok,this might b a bit long so il warn u now.

About a year ago my mil's mum died,leaving her with not a massive inheritance but a good few thousand,anyway wot my husband doesn't know is that at Xmas she gave all her kids £1000 except my husband (cos he's crap with money) and the only reason I know is that my sil told me wen she was drunk!! Anyway,she also told me that my hubby would get his share wen there was somethin to spend it on eg holiday.
Now were plannin on movin house in the next 6-8 weeks and I was kinda hopin that the cheque would appear in time to help with the bond and 1st months rent. My mil cornered us today and said that she gave money to the others for home improvements etc and would pay for the 2 new beds we want,wardrobes and a new microwave...problem I've got now is how much do I spend? My hubby has no idea how much she gave to the others and tbh we've been really struggling the last few months and yes it's nice of her to buy the stuff,I just don't know if I should stick to the cheap,budget range that I normally would or go a bit more expensive? I wish she'd given me some kind of budget! Any advice?
Hmmmm tbh I kind of thought it would be up to him what he spent the money on, he's an adult ffs!

Would she not trust you with the money? Could you ask her if there's a maximum as you don't wish to seem to take the piddle (not sure how your relationship is)?

My relationship with her is quite good but since my fil passed away 2 years ago my husband thinks she lives on the poverty line,which I know isn't true,I know 4 a fact that my fil had 2500 stashed in a drawer that she still hasn't touched cos it was his savings and she's savin it 4 a rainy day! What made me cross wen I found out was that his younger bro is worse than him wiv money but he still got the 1000,I must sound like an ungrateful bitch but she knows we've been struggling,just had to pay 500 out to gave his car fixed but she wanted us to have summat to show wiv the money. With a grand I could buy the stuff we need and pay the bond for the new house xxx
If all the others got a grand then that's the maximum you should spend x I think you should talk to her and ask if you can spend £500 on the beds etc and £500 on the bond? x yes maybe she should have given him the money himself to spend but I don't think there's any point moaning about that now as IMO it was her money to do with what she wants x I know my OH is shite with money and his sister is good with it so if my mil did the same I'd just be grateful that we had the extra money iyswim x
My hubby has said I'm not allowed to ask her and were only allowed to buy the cheapest of stuff! I don't know if to tell him how much the others got or just wait til I see mil next wknd and mention budget to her when my hubbys not about x

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