Dilemma, Dilemma, Dilemma!!!!


Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2011
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My darling other half now tells me after 8 months of pregnancy that the name we choose for our munchkin hasnt grown on him!

From the day i found out i wanted to call her Elizabeth but Beth for short but now he says Beth hasnt grown on him.

Elizabeth was close to my heart for one main reason! The day I found out i was pregnant would have been my grandma Elizabeth's 80th bday if she has still been alive. Also my middle name is Elizabeth and so is my OH's mum's middle name.

Ive spoken to her throughout pregnancy and called her Beth too and so has he. But now decides to tell me that he prefers the other name we both liked which is Delilah>>>>

I just dont know what to do???!!!!????

I am pretty hurt really but dont want to admit to him that he has hurt me, beacuse i will get angry then because i wish he has told me earlier!!
How about Delilah Elizabeth hun?!
It's not the same is it lol i thought of that but i just think how people like my mum is going to react to the change of name!?
At the end of the day, as much as you don't want to hurt your mum, your oh has to be 100% on baby's name - she doesn't. I know that sounds harsh but it's his baby and he needs to feel totally confident in the decision you've made. He probably didn't tell you because he didn't want to upset you, but he's realised now that he's running out of time!!
I think Elizabeth as a middle name is lovely, and still a beautiful tribute obviously.

Hopefully you can come to a happy compromise, and I'm afraid everyone else will just have to accept it. It's unfortunately one of the drawbacks of naming the child so early xx
I know, I have said this to my mum. Right from the start i said i choose girls names and he chooses boys names BUT we have to agree on it....

TADAH! Why not just say at the begining!

He doesnt even want Elizabeth anywhere in her name!!!
Ooo, I think thats a bit harsh personally. Having called her that for the last 7-8months to have to get your head round a name change, I think I'd be hurt too.

I agree with Leesey you both have to be 100% on it, does he understand how much it means to you? I'm sure he does and I'm sure he doesn't mean to hurt or upset you.

Wait until he's seen how hard you work in labour that I'm sure name negotiation wont even be an issue and Beth will be back on the cards as he'll be so proud of you xxx
He knows why i wanted it.

But his word " Beth hasnt grown on him" and " he only considered it because his mum's middle name is Elizabeth".

He now doesnt want it at all...

So i've left it up to him to decide on a name but i've told she gets my last name instead of his... but then i was threatened with well dont expect a paternity test and nothing of me! Charming eh
aww hun im sure he doesnt mean that. We say things in the heat of the moment. Once you have both calmed down you should talk about it and see what you can come up with. Good luck xxx
ohh noo!! That certainly is a bit of a shock at this stage!!! Maybe you both could think of an entirley different name that you both love (not elizabeth or delilah), or draw up a list and decide after the birth. There's no immediate rush, and if its causing upset and problems now, it might be best to leave it till after baby is here!! Then you can decide together what name she suits the most!! xxx
Our LO was always Maysie Rae right up until about half way through when DH decided he didn't like Rae (Which i LOVED) and he didn't like Maysie (Which he chose in the first place!) It took us a while but in the end we both agreed on Savannah.

I'm sure your mum wont be upset hun, You are probably more upset about it and I understand why. Can a compromise not be made? Maybe find something you both like?
ohh noo!! That certainly is a bit of a shock at this stage!!! Maybe you both could think of an entirley different name that you both love (not elizabeth or delilah), or draw up a list and decide after the birth. There's no immediate rush, and if its causing upset and problems now, it might be best to leave it till after baby is here!! Then you can decide together what name she suits the most!! xxx


I'm sure once you both see your little girl a name will just fit. Men are muppets sometimes, he might change his mind again yet! xx

Using tapatalk so excuse the typos!
So if he likes Elizabeth why not calling her Elizabeth instead of Beth? I think once she is here she should have the option of being able to shorten her name if she wants to - Im Jody but my dad has always called me Jo and my mum has always stuck to Jody - never Jo.

It will work itself out, once she is here she may just fit with a name x
We haved decided on a name after much deliberation lol! We have decided on a completely new name.....

Cadie Leigh Glew :)

Which i do really like and i choose it tbh he fell in love with it when he saw it

I'm glad you have sorted it out x

me too! LOL it's been harder than i imagined!

Cadie Leigh is lovely hun, glad u and hubby have sorted it xxx
I was just about to suggest maybe thinking of names similar to Elizabeth like Eliza or Bethany but I think Cadie is really pretty and unusual so you have definitely chosen the best name x
Thanks Girls,

Well at least its a complete new name and i think i prefer it tbh!

Again not so common and it cant be shortened! lol


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