Dilemma about 1st Scan


Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2011
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We've had our date through for our first scan - 6th April. Now I'm in two minds about whether or not to take our son. He doesn't know about the pregnancy yet but we are planning on telling him the night before the scan if we take him. He's 5 years old and will be so excited to be a big brother. I know he will love it and will be really well behaved (he is an angel) but I just worry that if something is wrong he'll be there and we wont be able to hide it.

What do you think? Would you?
If these are your concerns then I maybe wouldn't take him. Can u get a DVD of it for him then play it that night? Xx
If these are your concerns then I maybe wouldn't take him. Can u get a DVD of it for him then play it that night? Xx

I'm not sure, will have to find out. I think they did that at Lennons scan (although it was video then!! LOL).
me personally i wouldnt 4 two reasons

1 - u dont know wot cld happen - god forbid anything cld go wrong you dont nee to by tending to a kid at the same time

2 - this is a personal reason - its a worrying time first trimester and i think it would be better just you and your partner so u can bond etc,then take him to your 20 week scan when u know for certain all is ok and it can make him feel important and part of it all - this is what we plan to do with our daughter

but at the end of the day hun it is completely your decision and you do what you feel comfortable with xxx
I would personally wait til your 20 week scan just so you know all is ok. My poor SIL took my nephew to an early scan only to be told the baby had died, it made things really difficult for everyone as he was also very little and didn't really understand. however saying that my 14 year old daughter is coming but I think she's mature enough to understand if things are not good and would be a support to me if the worst happens.
After what happened to us with Ethan I am not taking Grace to my scans. I am so glad she didn't to my growth scan that day. I was admitted straight away and I was hysterical because they told me my baby had no chance of survival. She had come to my previous scans due to childcare issues. She doesn't know about this pregnancy and I don't want to get her hopes up again of a brother or sister. The problem is by 30 week you assume your safe so I suppose on the flip side there is never a right time. Just a personal choice for us from past experience xxx
I agree with the others hon perhaps wait and take him along to your 20 week scan, but see if you can get a dvd at the 12 week one so you can show him at home x x
I agree with the other ladies...

Another nice thing you could do is, go to the scan get the wee scan pics, and fingers crossed all is ok, show him the wee scan pic and say this is a pic of your baby brother/sister, and it will be a nice way to break the news.
Yeah, I think you're right, will take him to the 20 wk scan (fingers crossed) and not the 12 week one. Thanks for the opinions xxx

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