Different Blood Tests


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2010
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Right went for my booking visit today and i got loads of blood tests done, i got one also for downsyndrome I am really scared of the results incase they say i am at high risk then they need to perform further tests. Has anyone else experienced this and give me some advice thanks x x
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Hiya - iv also just had the downsyndrome blood test done, had it done at 16 weeks, just got my results back and i was low risk. So i wouldnt worry. I think your chances increase if your over 35. My friend had a high risk result and had an amnio to check wether he did infact have down syndrome.. turns out he didnt.. so i wouldnt worry too much! :)
I'm sure everyone here has worried about getting the results, I know I did! The vast majority come back just fine but until you know all is OK, just try to put it to the back of your mind and get on with things. Be safe in the knowledge that if there is a reason for further tests that you will be looked after and supported all the way. I'm sure all will be fine, but good luck anyway!
I was worried too about getting my results but they came back fine, try not to worry too much about it x
iv decided not to be tested as im not bothered by the result but i wouldnt worry hun you will be fine
thanks everyone im just a total worrier though lol worry at the least little thing cant wait for the results though
then they need to perform further tests.

Hun whatever the result of the blood test they wont NEED to do any more tests unless YOU want to know. Its a really hard decision to make but Im sure your bloods will come back low risk and you can stop worrying. If your result comes back high risk, its only a risk, it doesnt mean your baby definately has down syndrome, and Ive heard loads of stories from people who had the amnio and the baby didnt have any genetic problems.

All the test results are so worrying arent they?!? I think everyone's the same!

try not too worry!! I'm sure the results will be fine!!! There is soooo much to worry about during pregnancy... I think we forget about the good stuff!! Pregnancy only lasts a short while....try & enjoy!!

Let us know how you get on xx
I didn't get this test, for fact that i'd be really worried if the result was high risk and I wouldn't want the invasive test.
They can look into it a bit more at your 20 week scan or you can pay for the 4D scans which are pretty accurate. I was considering one of those but I don't want to know the sex so would be gutted if I caught a glimpse of his/her nether regions in all the full glory of 3D! :)

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