Differences in formula?


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2010
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The MW told us that all formulas are mixed the same ie to the same 'formula'. Is this true? The reason I ask is because my poor Eliot seems to have really bad wind and also his poo (which isn't frequent over the last day or so) was really dry. We think he's dehydrated, poor lad. Just wondering if a different formula would be better. He's on Cow & Gate at the mo - I just cannot seem to breastfeed because a) he can't latch and b) he seems traumatised by it after all the forcing the postnatal ward did and c) I seem to have dried up already despite using the pump. Nightmare :(
Currently trying to stay awake to call GP to see him about his breathing - it's all erratic and catching. Not a good day and night :(

I'm not sure tbh, but I think different babies get on with different formulas so it might be worth trying him on something else for a week or so, see if he improves etc xxx
We started Poppy on SMA, which made her constipated so we switched to Cow & Gate, which had the opposite problem! (And also made her bring up her milk a lot more.) She is now on Aptamil which she is absolutely fine with. So there must be a difference! x
Nutrients wise they are the same really, I use aptamil as thats what they used for preemies at my hospital and when i had my catscan when she was 2 days old they had me use that cause i couldnt feed for 12 hours. I dried up when she was 3 months old so just went to what she had before
Thanks everyone. We've bought some Aptamil today. Saw the paediatrician at A&E this morning who said Eliot was absolutely fine if a little dehydrated. PHEW. The relief was immense. He also recommended Aptamil to get E's poos moving. We hadn't even opened it when that happened all by itself. Double phew! Hard work and worry this parenting lark, isn't it?
I'm combination feeding and Hollie seems to get on with only aptamil! Sma made her sick a lot and cow and gate made her windy/very runny nappys..

I don't think they're all the same either cause I remember the only milk my wee brother would keep down was Sma x i guess every baby is diffrentx

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We use Aptamil First Milk and B gets on sound with it. And it's also the best in terms of breast-feeding substitute.

If little man gets constipated (as Brooke did after I'd been in the hozzy and on anti-biotics and then subsequently tried to nurse her and she got bunged up...!), give him a little tummy rub; little bit of baby oil and rub his tummy in a clock-wisey sort of motion; 15 minutes later = poo explosion! x

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