difference between nap and sleep?


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2005
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What is the difference between nap and sleep? My partner tells me that when a baby is napping he keeps waking up and falling asleep. I thought a nap was a good sleep but for a shorter period of time.
At the moment , Thomas is not sleeping really, just closing his eyes for a few minutes and then opening them until he cries. Is this a nap then?

How long should babies of 4 weeks old sleep during the day? Thomas slept from 9.30 pm till 2.50 am, then from 4 am till 6 am and then from 7.20 till 8.20. Then he slept for 50 minutes during the afternoon but that is it really for the day.

Can a baby sleep in your arms ? I read it is a risk of cot death.
Yesterday Rubie slept all day and all night, but today she has been awake all day, she doesn't seem to have a pattern, every day is different. She is 4 weeks old too.
Aimee is 6 weeks and she sleeps around 7-8 hours at night and she seems to have one day where she will have about a 3 hour sleep in the afternoon and nothing else really and the next day she will only spend about 2 hours awake. She always has me thinking that i'm not going to get any sleep when she has been asleep all day but she'll sleep at night also.
Phoebe is now sleeping from 9pm until about 6am and then from 7am until any time from 8am - 10.30am. She has 20min naps in the day and some days she'll sleep loads!!
I think every baby is different. So long as they're not grumpy the whole time they are awake because they are tired I wouldn't worry.

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