This a long running saga... I applied for a job internally. HR knew I was pregnant but said they would not tell the division I was going for the job with.
I went for a 1st interview at start of Feb, it went brilliantly and got told I had a second interview but didn't hear anything for 4 weeks! so by this point I was showing and in maternity clothes, so HR decided to tell the person I was going for the job with.
Second interview finally came long last week - absolute mare - he was like a completely different person, very aggressive and confrontational, by the end of it I just wanted to cry I could not wait to get out of the room. Worst interview I have ever had.
The reason they gave was lack of industry knowledge - what b*ll*cks!!! I work for the same company and no one else does.
Don't know why I thought I might get taken seriously, applying for a job when pregnant! I am gutted - I hate my current job so much and the thought of having to come back here after the baby is born just makes me want to cry!
The divison I work for are doing really badly and my job is rapidly disappearing, so doubt I will have one to come back to anyway. When I told my boss I was applying for another job he actually said: "Oh good - saves me trying to think of something for you to do!!"