Did you show earlier with 2nd baby?


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2011
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hi all

I am just wondering if any of you ladies started showing earlier with their second child. I am obviously not showing yet but my tum is definately sticking out and is quite noticeable...I usually have a completely flat stomach and I am guessing thats why I can notice it. A couple of people have also commented (they know I am pregnant)
With my son, I didnt show until 5 months I would say but am wondering if you show earlier after having your first baby?
I keep telling myself this is just "bloat" as the baby is the size of an appleseed :lol: xx
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Firstly...massive congrats on your BFP :yay: must of been busy moving house and missed the news :)

i started showing quite early hun, i think in tri 1 i put my first bumpy pic on at just 8 weeks pregnant as i looked massive, i have heard you show earlier 2nd time around as well due to everything being more relaxed and falling forward earlier because of the 1st pregnancy!

Firstly...massive congrats on your BFP :yay: must of been busy moving house and missed the news :)

i started showing quite early hun, i think in tri 1 i put my first bumpy pic on at just 8 weeks pregnant as i looked massive, i have heard you show earlier 2nd time around as well due to everything being more relaxed and falling forward earlier because of the 1st pregnancy!


Thanks hun,

Finally got my BFP, felt like an eternity :)

Ok, I am glad it is normal, will have a look at the tri 1 pics and see what people bumps looked like early on :) I wish I had taken a pic when first got BFP but didnt think I would need to that early xx

How are you doing anyway?? xx
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aww yeah bet it did, hope it goes smoothly for ya hun :)

And yeah i'm good ta...suffering immensely with heartburn at the mo though, i didnt get it while really late on with DD but i started with it bad early on this time :( its awful! xx
aww yeah bet it did, hope it goes smoothly for ya hun :)

And yeah i'm good ta...suffering immensely with heartburn at the mo though, i didnt get it while really late on with DD but i started with it bad early on this time :( its awful! xx

Thanks, I hope so too :)

So it seems lots of things start earlier when pregnant with second child :roll: I hope it eases soon as I can imagine it would be so painful xx
i can only see it getting worse tbh, i was only getting it at bedtimes, now its coming on on an aft n TMI getting nice burny sicky burps :( eugh...think i could do with stocking up on gaviscon lol only 13wks and 5 days to go (not that i'm counting or anything hehe) xx
i can only see it getting worse tbh, i was only getting it at bedtimes, now its coming on on an aft n TMI getting nice burny sicky burps :( eugh...think i could do with stocking up on gaviscon lol only 13wks and 5 days to go (not that i'm counting or anything hehe) xx

Cant believe you only have 13 weeks and 5 days left, it seems to have gone so quick, I remember reading your BFP announcement!! :) stock up on the gaviscon, my friend whos pregnant swears by it xx
i know its gone so quickly...still is :shock: and yes...i have the chewable tablets atm they seem to work fine at the minute so gonna have to make sure i never run out haha!! xx
I definitely showed earlier with this pregnancy than I did with my first. Apparantly its completely normal as your uterus,etc are already stretched so dont have the same resistance (a bit like an elastic band I guess). Congrats on your pregnancy, hope it all goes well. Xx
I'm not showing earlier this time. With DD I started wearing maternity jeans at approx 14 wks and by the time I went to my 20wk scan I looked like I was ready to give birth!
This time around, I'm still in my normal clothes with a bit of a thick waist forming and my 20wk scan is tomorrow!
I was worried how big I would be this time too, but maybe I needn't worry too much.
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I am most definitely showing a lot earlier this time. 4 people pointed out my bump yesterday (I'm normally proud of my flat stomach so it was very noticeable)
People who don't know me though will just think I have a pot belly lol x
Thanks ladies, thought it was probably normal but didnt expect any kind of difference this soon. I was starting to think maybe I was just putting on the pounds but its only in that area xx
I had a little tummy anyway :lol:
But I'm still in my normal jeans, they are snug but fine (I had mat jeans by 8wks last time as they were comfy). I'm hoping to get away with hiding bump until after 12wks.

But its completely normal to show earlier 2nd time around.

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