Did you carry on taking folic acid after the first 12 weeks?


Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2005
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I finally reached the major milestone of 12 weeks on Saturday, have been taking my folic acid religiously every day, but just wondered should I stop taking it now? If so, should I be taking any other supplements instead??
Hi Dippy

I am taking 'Sanatogen Pronatal'. You can take them right through pregnancy and they give you all your vitamins and folic acid,maybe worth starting on these now :D

Just noticed you are due the same time as me babe xx
hiya, i stopped as soon as i reached 12 weeks & i don't need (at the moment anyway) to take any vitamins or supplements.
with my son i took pregnacare & ended up having runny poo (can't spell diahorea lol!!!) the midwife said i was taking extra iron that was unnecessary, coz i have quite a good diet.

see how you go with a good diet & the usual looking after yourself & if you need any additional vitamins the m/w will advise you. :D
I asked my midwife this and she said that there was no need to carry on taking it as it had done its job by 12 weeks, however if i wanted to finish the pack then it would do any harm either!

hope that helps & congrats on reaching 12 weeks - good feeling isnt it? :D

I am pretty sure its fine to stop taking them at 12 weeks, i take mum omega aswell which you can take thru out pregnancy and breast feeding.
congratulations on making it to the end of the first trimester!!! :)
Hi Dippy.. congrats on reaching 12 weeks!!! You'll soon be joining us in 2nd TRi!!!

I stopped with Folic acid at 12 weeks but continued with pregnacare which does have some folic acid in.. I also take zinc, vit c and iron every other day to help boost my immune system ...

Lyn.. where did you get your mum omega from?? I hate eating fish but realise I could do with some omega oils... a supplement for pregnancy would be great as my doc and midwife told me not to take anything that is not specifically for pregnancy...
12 weeks already Dippy!! :shock: That's gone fast!!

Nearly in the 2nd tri!! :dance: YAY!!

I'm taking pregnacare like Anna Marie, and have done since I found out I was preg!
Thanks for your responses guys, I have only got a few more left in the packet so may as well finish them, but I think I will move onto the pregnacare then so thanks for the tip Anna Marie and Sam. Glad you feel time has flown by, I certainly don't!! Guess that must be down to being so neurotic. Got my first scan on Thursday, hoping and praying all is well.

Am due on the 11th November Nikki, I noticed you were put back a couple of weeks when you went for your scan. Are you going back this week did you say??
I have been taking pregnancy vitamins since I found out and Im still taking them and I will until my little girly is born. It also depends on if you have a healthy diet and eating your 5 a day. Maybe speak to your midwife

Congratulations on getting to 12 weeks


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