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Did anyone miscarry bec heartbeat of lil one stopped? Or...


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2007
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Did anyone miscarry bec heartbeat of lil one stopped? (Or know anyone who did?)
Would like to read some responses to this as I would like to know what are the possibilities to face this again.

In my first pregnancy we heard the heartbeat for the first time at 6weeks and suddenly at 9 weeks I stopped feeling pregnant and got worried. Went in to see doc with DH and no heartbeat was found on the ultrasound and baby was measuring 7 weeks and a couple of days.

I have been freaking out... A LOT about this bec I am reading tons of stories about people that go thru this a lot and after that have healthy babies.

I am scared! :cry:

I miscarried again for the second time but it was due something completely different from the first time. :cry:
With my last pregnancy, i heard the heart beat, saw the baby and heartbeat on the screen, felt tiny movements, then i started bleeding at just over 19 weeks and went to the hozzie who told me baby didnt have a heart beat and stopped growing at 15 weeks and 2 days.
It happend to my aunt with her 4th pregnancy and she went on to have another baby after
Thanks for your reply.
Did you get pregnant after it like ur aunt?
I am praying I get to experience a healthy pregnancy soon.
I am sorry. I can see it happened to you this month.
I am sorry for your loss :hug:
Im sorry for your loss
i never got to hear the heart beat as i lost my Penguin before i got to my 12 weeks scan
when i had a scan at 10+4 to confirm miscarrige there was no baby left only the sac they said it died at least 2 weeks previously
I dont think my baby had the chance to get that far :(

But now im preggers agian and im 24 weeks so dont give up hope hon keep trying and it will happen for you
:hug: :hug: :hug:
I'll have my fingers crossed for you love
Hi Suzan,

Never got as far as seeing/ hearing the heartbeat as I lost at 6 weeks; also had a suspected very early chemical pregnancy the year before but am expecting again and it seems to be going ok at the moment. I know for sure that statistically you've got a much higher chance of having a healthy baby next time than another miscarriage, all the very best.

Sarah, I've said this before but I am really really sorry for your loss. I hope you don't mind me asking but have they got any clue as to why it happened? My thoughts are with you :hug:
DaisyRose said:
Sarah, I've said this before but I am really really sorry for your loss. I hope you don't mind me asking but have they got any clue as to why it happened? My thoughts are with you :hug:

No they havent they just said it was one of those things, i did get offered a post mortom but i said no as i didnt want the baby being all pulled around
Hi Sarah,

I really don't blame you, I think I would do the same thing.

Thinking of you :hug:
hi suzan sorry about your loss :hug: i have had 4 m/c where we saw the heart beat always around 6 to 7 weeks then few weeks later went back and the heart beat had stopped, with these pregnancies i had no idea i had lost them until the scan. but in between these losses i had my 2 girls who are now 3 years and 4 years and completly healthy.
I had 5 MC's and whent on to have 2 wonderful boy's after that, so things can work out. Keep the faith :hug:
hope you dont mind me asking maya but i have had 5 m/c now although i did have my 2 girls inbetween them i would love a 3rd but begining to wonder if it will happen, i just wondered if anything was found why you had 5 losses, it gives me a bit of hope back that you had your 2 boys after 5 losses, as my mum and dh are telling me basically that they dont have much hope of me having another. I have had some tests done and nothing has been found.
I'm very sorry for your loss. I never heard my first little one's heartbeat. I suddenly stopped feeling pregnant and went for a private scan at 10 weeks which showed the baby had no heartbeat. I had a d&c 5 days later. I was really worried that this would happen to me again, but I'm almost 22 weeks pregnant now and everything is going good so far. I got a doppler early on so I could listen to this baby's heartbeat whenever I was worried. That really helped me in the early days. :hug:
babydust said:
hope you dont mind me asking maya but i have had 5 m/c now although i did have my 2 girls inbetween them i would love a 3rd but begining to wonder if it will happen, i just wondered if anything was found why you had 5 losses, it gives me a bit of hope back that you had your 2 boys after 5 losses, as my mum and dh are telling me basically that they dont have much hope of me having another. I have had some tests done and nothing has been found.

hi babydust.

First of all I am so sorry to hear that your mum and dh think this way. It must feel like you are kicked in the guts to hear this response by people you care about. Never lose hope! :hug:

In my case nothing was found. My gyno just said it was bad luck (not in those words but it comes down to that) and I find comfort in knowing that I mc'd because there was something really wrong with the baby and that it would not have had a good life if they would have been born. This dose not take away the pain I feel for losing them though. But by knowing that there is nothing wrong with my body I also found hope that I could get pregnant. and I did. 2 times!! and right now we are going for Nr. 3. My Dh and I never lost hope, and I know that I might mc again, I also know I will have another baby.

Lots of luck and I send lots of hope you way.. give some to your DH too :wink: :hug:
no prob's hun. I hope you get a 3 healty baby soon :hug: :hug:
I m/c my first pregnancy, i found out at the 12 1/2 week scan, the sonographer told us there was no heartbeat and baby had stopped developing around a week before. I was devastated and worried so much this pregnancy, especially when I had some bleeding at 12 weeks, but so far everything is fine.

I worried for a long time that i would m/c every time i got pregnant, but there is hope :hug:
Hi Sorry for the losses I've seen on here. I was pregnant with twins last June. I didn't have my first scan until 14 weeks as they couldn't fit me in and was told that it was twins that had stopped growing at 9 weeks. I stopped feeling horribly sick about 11 weeks.

I'm keeping my fingers and toes and anything else I can find! crossed for healthy pregnancies for all of us x
I m/c last week when Dr said there was no heart beat. I had a second scan as the baby was measuring at 7.5 weeks and I was onl about 8 weeks preg. 2nd scan confirmed the worst :(

So little heart must have just stopped in the last few days.

I was told the chance of 2 consecutive ones is 5%.

Am very scared but think I will try again after next period.
Hi suzan sorry for your loss,I have just had a mc in Jan this year I was 13 wks & went for my 1st scan I then had a internal scan when I was told there was no heart beat.It seems that the baby had died a few weeks prev but I was still carrying.This is my 2nd mc and the one before was where my baby was not developing well and I started spotting,I had total bed rest for a week but unfortunately still had mc.This 2 mc have happened in between my 2 girls and I have been told once you have had dnc you are fine to try as soon as you feel ready which I did after my 1st mc & I gave birth to a very healthy baby girl.I would like to be pregnant again but it scares me to death to think of going for another scan. :cry:
I really feel for you. I found out at my 12 week scan that my baby had died at about 7 weeks. It was very hard to know that for 5 weeks my baby had been dead. I went into hospital and they gave me pessaries to help my body deal with everything, we waited till my first period and then started trying again. At first I wasn't sure if we would conceive again but last week I found out I'm about 5 weeks pregnant

Its not easy and some people get pregnant again very quickly, but don't worry if you don't, it can take time for your body to recover. :hug:

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