Did anyone just 'know' they were pregnant before test?


Feb 13, 2011
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Hi there, I am a total newbie and this is my first ever post, so hello all!
This may sound mad but I really feel like I 'know' I'm pregnant?! Does that make sense to anyone? I could be completely wrong but my body has changed heaps in the last week and a half and it's only through googling symptoms that I found I could pretty much tick off the whole list.
I've only been off the pill since 16th dec 2010, I've had one period in jan and my next one is due next couple of days... It's annoying as I can't test till then can I?
Did anyone else feel like they really knew, before they actually tested and got a positive?
Em x
YES. This time I did anyway. WIth #1 and #2 I did not though. Well, with the exception of sore boobs, but I didn't really realize it at the time. THIS time though, holy cow... I got my + test 4 days before missed AF, but FELT pg for about a week before that. Sore boobs, MAJOR night sweats (this is NOT the norm for me) and just a little woozy. HOT, hot HOT all the time. The night sweats were what really got me though, the timing was just too perfect, and I really felt like I knew what it was. I actually took THREE tests that week, I was so sure I was pg - even though I knew it was WAAAAY too early (they were neg of course.)

So to answer your question - SURE you can test early! You want to be ready for a false negative, but you never know! I couldn't believe when I got mine FOUR days early this time!

Good Luck!
Noo you're not mad- I knew.
Even after at least 10 bfn's I knew I was lol.
If you're in tune with your body, you do just 'know' - its really strange! Xx
I did with my 1st I was like why are these tests coming up negative?! I knew I was I had a cheapy a dirt response and a superdrug say no in one day so I walked back into town for a clear blue and low and behold during watching finding nemo lol I'm
Thinking what a waste of money I'm
Insane lol It came up with the word pregnant yay!!
With my second I was half way down 2 1/2 bottles of wine with my cousin and she suggested it we laughed it off thinking no! And I was lol songs was unexpected
With my third we were trying but it was the only month with "no symptoms" and I had only had sex
Right at the start of my cycle and on the sofa lol! Near the end lol but I had a bad stomach and wanted to take some medicine so tested on the off chance even took one pill when waiting for the test to say no and it came up pregnant 1-2 :)
Yep I knew. I joked a few days earlier (even before my missed period) to my friends saying I was up the duff and we laughed it off but then 2 days after I was late I started crying when my mum text me saying it sounded like I needed a hug, so I thought, right, thats not normal lol and went and got a test lol.

I think if your in tune with your body youll just feel it really. :)
Ahhh thank you all, I wasn't sure if I was a bit silly for thinking I was... There is such a change in my body it's impossible to ignore: my stomach is so bloated and uncomfortable, cramps constantly like af cramps for a week, bad headaches all day, dizzy, hot, really hot, tingly nips, runny nose, and wanted to cry other any rubbish on the Telly! Lol
I think I will pop out today and get a test today!!!!
Hi Emsta

Yes I did when it happened a few years ago. One day I woke up and my BBS were incredibly sore (there was no other word to describe it), a sensation I'd never had before. Being a hypochondriac, I googled "sore breasts" and immediately was presented with list of pregnancy symptoms - OMG.

It was pretty textbook after that, a few days later I got the 'spotting' and then I coolly waited until I missed my period. 2 days after AF was due I tested and got a BFP.

Good luck with your testing!!

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Bought my Test, working up the courage to do it, any tips?!
You should do it with your first morning urine, it's strongest. When I was pregnant I knew before I tested. Really sore boobs and sickness. Test just confirmed what I already new. xx
I just knew , I don't know why but I was sure . As princess says first morning urine is best for the test :) good luck xxxxxxx
Hey, my gut reaction was thinking I was pregnant was swept under carpet as I symptom spotted every month. On this occasion I remember looking at the parms of my hands thing wow my veins have really appeared!! I tested 4 days b4 missed period- bfn. But the veins on my hands were soooo prominant I thought- how odd. My fella at 2 days b4 missed period said I'd become really moany and rude!!?? This made me think try again. Got my bfp! X
Hey, my gut reaction was thinking I was pregnant was swept under carpet as I symptom spotted every month. On this occasion I remember looking at the parms of my hands thing wow my veins have really appeared!! I tested 4 days b4 missed period- bfn. But the veins on my hands were soooo prominant I thought- how odd. My fella at 2 days b4 missed period said I'd become really moany and rude!!?? This made me think try again. Got my bfp! X

I am glad I have seen this, my veins were really prominent everywhere, particuarly my hands!
Looks like I'll try in the morning! Fingers crossed for a happy valentines! X
I just don't get it? I've had all these weird symptoms for a week before my af which i never normally get, was literally ticking all the symptoms boxes yet I think my af has just come, very light pink but I think too much fOr it to be just spotting. Looks like I won't be needing that test tomorrow afterall :(
Hey Hun I hope AF hasnt arrived but I have to say iv had every sign under the sun over the past 9months and still no BFP :( hope u get urs tho xx
With my daughter i knew i was pregnant, i had that gut feeling, although i kept telling myself i wasnt, i took a test and it said positive! :)

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