did anyone else have this bad experience?


New Member
May 10, 2011
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Hi I had my 1st scan yesterday at 11 & half weeks. I miscarried my 1st baby in jan 2010 at around 8 weeks so i was very anxious going to find out if all was ok. The Dr giving me the scan was not very talkative or helpful he could barely speak English and i could not see the baby at all. He gave me 1 pic which was just a blob of white fuzz no sign of a baby. I said i could not see anything in the pic and he just drew a circle in the middle of it. I have seen lots of my friends 1st scan pics and you can clearly see a baby. So i came out of the hospital feeling so disappointed and really weepy. Am i being silly about this???

All my friends texted me to see how it went and all said cant wait to see your pic but honestly i could not show this pic to anyone as there is nothing to see. I feel like i have waited forever to see my baby. Just wondering did this happen to anyone else. Im feeling very upset.

Last night i kept look at the pic trying to make out anything... but nothing... This has really upset me and today i just feel really down. Any suggestions

Thanks for reading and replying shazza :)
Could you post the pic here? Maybe we can help you spot the baby x
dont forget he is an expert and if he couldnt see a baby he would of said something was wrong and not gave you a pic. x x x try not to worry, or pop to midwife and see if she can track heartbeat for you put your mind at rest x x
He would have told you if there were any problems with baby, but still, sounds like he wasn't very helpful, this is something we look forward to and want to enjoy. Could you maybe have a private scan so you can enjoy the experience? I had one at 10 weeks and it was brilliant, lots of time looking at baby, a DVD and pictures, it was £55 for the basic early one we had.
Id maybe explain/complain to your midwife and see if she can organise for another scan :) xx
Oh u poor thing! The girls are right, if something was wrong he wouldnt have given u a pic of any sort. Id def either get a private obe if u can or complain to the hospital where u had it done and demand another one asap with different sonographer.

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