Diagnosed and referred


Well-Known Member
May 18, 2011
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Been back for my blood test and scan results this morning and my doctor is certain i have pcos. He said my insulin level, thyroid and female hormones are all normal but my testosterone levels are raised so could be causing the problem. He has referred mt to the hospital so i can be prescribed the tablets i need but he said they may decide to do more tests to check there is nothing else wrong (hopefully there wont be)

Is there anything i can do myself to help lower my testorsterone levels or do i just have to wait for the tablets?? Feeling a lot more positive about things now i know what i'm dealing with. If anybody has any advice that would be great xxxx
Hi hun. First things first PCOS is very common so you are not alone! 1 in 5 have Polycystic ovaries. 1 in 10 have polycystic ovary syndrome. Most famous person I know to have it is Posh Victoria Beckham. :eek:) Doesn't feel like much of a comforter, I know. I got diagnosed in November last year with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome after years of suspecting I had it. Once I had it confirmed, yes it sucked but it was also a relief cos there was a diagnosis!

I got put on Metformin which I started taking in January this year. Along with changing my diet and increasing my exercise habits, the Metformin heled me lose a stone and a half. Thus in turn restarting my periods (after 7 months of nothing!). In May this year I fell pregnant.

When I was put on Metformin, the dose started at 1 x 500mg tablet a day. They next week it upped to 2 x 500mg a day. Then finally upped to 3 x 500mg a day the week after. It stayed at this level from then on. Unfortunately there were bad side effects which included a dodgy tummy. Normally happened when I first started taking it and each time I upped the dose. But benefits out weighed the cons!

A book I definitely recommend is this one:

I hope things get sorted for you! I hope this info helps.xx
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Hey hun thats brilliant. I feel so much mre positive now that i have been diagnosed because i now know what i need to do or needs to be done to help me. Just out of interest did they say what they thought it was that was causing your pcos?

That book def looks worth buying so will order that on payday! My last period was may and before that over christmas. My doctor has been fab tho cant fault him at all xx
I don't think they know the actual cause of PCOS unfortunately. The book does offer suggestions but I very much doubt there is anything you could of done to stop you having it. As I said it's very common and most people live their lives without actually knowing or having any problems from it. The big thing that helped me was loosing the weight. My BMI was 32 and I managed to get it down to 28 which was when my periods returned.x
Yeah thats one thing im looking at doing. Think i need to lose about 2.5 stone so it can only help :) Im doing a sponsored channel swim next month so that will help!!

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