DH is driving me mad... grrrrrr


Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2010
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Just need a bit of a moan. I am so fed up :mad: of making all the effort to :bd: all for dh to throw it back in my face saying all i want him for is a baby..... well i wouldnt get one without him now would i?? Admittidly i have a higher sexdrive now off the pill and ttc. which he is not used to.
I have told him time and time again, the in's and out's of what we have to do and when, and why, but he still seems to think that we can conceive by :bd: a couple of times a week!!!! :wall2: rrrrrraaaaaaaaahhhhhh

Is it just me or does anyone else have a dh like this? it's really getting me down, to the point where i really cant be bothered with ttc anymore. :cry: xxxx
I am totally with you on this! My DH is exactley the same! he doesnt get the whole fertility window thing at all, so frustrating!
My O/H was exactly the same! He'd be up for it before ovulation but as soon as i started ovulating he wasn't intrested! It's like they do it on purpose... grrrr MEN!!!!
I know exactly what you mean , their disinterest usually peeks on ovulation day, so you end up falling out, crying all night long and then trying to quickly make it right or pretend it's all right by next night as you only have few hours left , Men!

Do you think if you suggested it to NCT, they would run TTC support classes for Dads?
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Yep, I have this same problem! My OH just dont get it...managed it twice last week then he couldn't perform the rest of the week cos he said the pressure was getting to him. I do feel for him a bit cos it must be difficult for him too and not a great feeling when things dont 'work properly' for him but then again I get so angry cos its like he just dont understand how small the OV window is and how much we really should be doing the bd...A definite GRRRRR to men on this one I think!!!
Ooohh im so glad im not the only one going through this. :dance: I thought it was just me. Im just in the process of printing off some stuff from fertility friend for him to read through in the office (toilet!!!) He actually spends more time in there than :bd: So fingers crossed!
My best friend came up with a good idea - to make him realise its the sex i want not just the baby... she said to get a vibrator and tell him i will be using that from now on, if he cant rise to the occasion... :lol::blush: what do you recon?? lol
Any other tips welcome. xxx
That's hilarious! He might be a bit offended though if he's already feeling the pressure. Trust men to put it all back on them. As if we don't feel the pressure to calculate everything right, my OH is always dozing off infront of the telly when I tell him about the window :-(
race it up a little , try something new

Have a whatever she fancys night, followed by a whatever he fancys night!! might spice things up and get the TTC covered , so win - win situation!
I dont need to be talking about the window for my hubby to doze off!! lol And he always suggests bd'ing when he knows damn well that we cant as our little boy is around. Then it feels like he's punishing me by not wanting it when i do... grrrr xxx
i tried that jj, i went up to bed dressed up in my ann summers gear, and sent him a picure to his phone... 20mins later he came up to bed, turned the light off and went to sleep.... im beginning to wander if he actually still fancies me and wants to bd with me?? xxx
I'm sure he does or he wouldn't have said he wanted a baby in the first place! Hope things pick up soon, xx

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