

Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2011
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HI all,

Just looking for some dessert recipes for Greyson (10 months) that I can batch cook and freeze. I'm fed up of giving him yoghurt or fruit - he loves them, but thought I could use them as snack instead, and cook something tasty for pudding instead!

Ideas would be much appreciated!

Thanks :) xx
I am not sure if you can freeze all those but here is what I give Amelie (that is usually what we have)
Muffins, pancakes, milk and rice and cinnamon pudding, bread and butter pudding, coconut cookies, apple and pear and cinnamon sauce etc etc

Saying that I don't think I am the right person to give you good ideas as I don't cook sugar free or special healthy deserts for her she gets what and when we have it (that's maybe once or twice per week) usually then she has it for dinner or for lunch as Amelie Gods forbidden to eat so much food at once even if that's desert ha ha. Weird kid
W loves sugar free angel delight, can't e frozen but makes a couple of portions so I give him it the next night.
I make him stewed apple and cinnamon then when he's eating it I crumble a rich tea biscuit or digestive.
But mainly we just give fruit, or yoghurts.
Bread and butter pudding, with raisins.
I made enid an apple and raspberry crumble, just used a little less sugar in the topping than normal and she loved it! I just spooned it into ice cube trays and now I have lots of mini crumbles :) I served it with custard (I've also made some frozen custard cubes) :)

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