Desperatly wanting #2 despite PCOS and recurring miscarrige


Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2011
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Hi everyone!
Ive got a gorgeous little girl and im desperate for my next baby but since having my LO ive been diagnosed with PCOS and suffered 3 miscarriages but few days ago me and my OH decided that we are offically TTC :) has anyone here had any luck with TTC and PCOS? Thanks :))
I havnt but I didn't want to read and run just wanted to say gd luck hope u get ur sticky bean real soon I to have had 3 losses this last 18 months and desperate for another baby xxx
Thank you for your reply, im so sorry about your losses, its a horrible feeling, i hope you get your sticky bean soon :) xx
Hey hun

I have PCOS and i have 4 children, They say it makes it hard for you to conceive but i have also read that if you have one child, its easier as it can improve your condition?

I caught first time with 3 of mine, then caught first time with the 4th but ended in miscarriage at 9 weeks, it did then take 9 months for me to catch with my youngest son but well worth the wait.

Are you charting your fertility atall?

Good luck!
I also have pcos and im pregnant with my second. I was on treatment for it though (it was a slow release version of metformin) which was getting all my symptoms under control and helped regulate my periods. I wasnt actually ttc though so cant say how long it took for me to fall pregnant!
Thanks for your replies, I'm not charting at the moment as I'm not really sure where to start, I rarely have periods so I'm not sure what to do in regards to charting, I'm so excited and can't wait for my sticky bean!
I don't have pcos, but just wanted to say , sorry for you losses, and yayyy now your officialy ttc again , wish you all the luck in the world for your super sticky bean XX I'm not sure the opks always work well with pcos ladys, but still might be worth a try to know, andk start looking closely at cervical mucus and cervix changes during the month, as once I started looking closely , my body really was giving off lots of signs when ov was happening or happened..
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