Desperately stressed over MIL visit


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2007
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Okay ladies I'm going nuts with stress and would appreciate your advice here! My MIL is coming over to ours in Spain in August for ten days and I'm really stressing over it. She is bringing my FIL and BIL too and I don't get along with the BIL at all. (He lazes in front of the TV all day and doesnt interact with anyone, he still lives with MIL as he got drunk and punched a wall breaking his hand and lost his job, so she ends up dragging him everywhere with her and he's 26 years old!!)

I think my FIL is the only really cool and easy one to get along with. I don't hate her but she is very controlling and hubby thinks I am being unreasonable saying I am not looking forward to them all coming over. I've had severe sickness and tiredness and I'm so upset that I wont cope with them wanting to do the 'holiday' thing and the only other alternative is having them sitting around my house all day and night.. (This happened in April when they came over and half the time I wanted to lock myself in the bedroom to get some space!)...

I'm close to tears about it, I'm not sure I can cope with it all with my hormones like they are at the moment. Please advise, hubby thinks im overreacting, but am I being really shitty or am I right?
I am mid MIL visit right now, I am trying to let everything run off my back....see my post in the 'Here I am' thread in First Year General Discussion to see what my MIL is like.

I find its best to expect the worst, it can only be better that way!! Also, make sure you have good nights' sleep!! I am with MIL all day every day (DH is at work) so I am escaping here tonight to have a 'night off', she is babysitting on Friday night so DH & I can go on a date :cheer: I am just living each day looking forward to the next 'break'.

My MIL is VERY (understatement of the year) controlling, so I am very good at counting to 10 & biting my tongue....but then I've had years of practise!

I sympathise
:hug: :hug: :hug:
I sympathise. I would suggest when they arrive you sit them down and say - how delighted you are to have them but that you are pregnant and feeling much more tired than normal and suggest they do their own thing every afternoon (they would have to if you werent there) and send them out of the house for a few hours to do 'holiday stuff' by themselves. Say this is very important for you and the baby - maybe explain to OH first. This means you will get a break every day making the rest of the time much more bearable.!!!
Good Luck :hug: :hug:
Thanks for all your advice ladies !! Hubby had a 'word' on the phone last night with them and they've said they'll make small visits or arrangements to meet up with us every day, and stay in a b&b up the road.. I feel much better now, and I hope they stick to that!! :pray: :pray:
I was gonna suggest they stay nearby instead, I think it will be less stressful for everyone :)
Thats great, at least they won't be in your face all the time :hug: :hug:

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