Depressed and at a loss


New Member
May 29, 2012
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I had a miscarriage in march 2011 at 19 weeks i went into premature labour so i suppose it isnt a miss carraige i had to have an opartion on the autopsy they found she had a whole in her heart and as she was growing the whole got bigger.

Its been over a year and i still cant get passed it ive had miscarrages before but no matter what happens i still cant get over it i try and speak to my partner but its something we dont really speak about it its just pushed aside.

Ive been put on anti depressents but i still feel that what is the point in carrying on i put on this face to everyone that everything is ok when it isnt.

i want to not be like this everytime i find someone is pregnant my heat bleeds and i thought after a year that everything would be abit better but no i still feel worthless and feel like im loosing the man i adore and love the most in this world
I'm very sorry to hear of all you've been through :hug: it's only natural that you are going to be devastated by such a loss and you are still grieving for your little girl.
Have you considered going to counselling? Xx
I'm so sorry for your losses, I can't imagine the pain you have been through and are in still. As princess said have you had any counselling or anything like CBT which might help? It sounds like its worth trying to get some even if you've had it before tog et the support you need. :hug:
realy sorry for ur loss must be heartbreaking to get so far and then lose ur precious baby its bad enough early mcs but at 19 weeks i wouldnt class it as a mc but a still born i dont care wat the doctors say,i was going to suggest counciling aswel its always gd to talk i find talking on here or to other online friends helps me loads,hope you are ok take care xxxx

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