

Jun 26, 2006
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Hi Everyone

I'm new to these boards.

My last Depo was in Jul 05 and was due again in October. Haven'y been using any contraception since and still not pregnant! Any one else had a nightmare coming off the depo and any words of encouragement??
hi hun sorry i havent got any advice for you but just wanted to say a huge WELCOME to the forum

take care
I am getting a bit desperate now!
I have just ordered that fertility book at the top of the page.
Hi frances32

I haven't got any either :( So I'm another to welcome you to the forum :lol:

Could you maybe contact your GP for advice regarding the depo?

hi frances32.

i was on the depo (injection) for about a yr & half, then came off it to try to concieve, had my last injection in the nov, it took till the next march for me to even have a period!

we started trying immediatley, but i didn't get pregnant for 15 months, we were doing it every other day around the fertile time too.this was with my son who is now nearly 5.

don't want to put a downer on you but it can take a while, have you had a period yet?

don't forget its different for everyone, you may get pregnant stright away :pray:

good luck.
The doctors told me it would only take 3 - 6 months to come off it, but I have been told it can take a year to sort your cycle out.

I'm so depressed as my best friend has just found out she is pregnant and they caught on their first cycle.
Hi Emma

Thanks for your reply. I have been getting periods, but all different cycle lenghts eg 39 days 23 days etc etc. Just keep trying I suppose.

These boards are great and I will be here every day now!
TTC can be draining when you allow it to - Try to take it easy & just know one day it WILL be your turn. :D

TTC can be fun too :wink:
i went on the depo may 2003 came off it feb 2004, period didn't come back until about 1 yr but i wasnt even trying to get pregnant...

i've had irregular periods ever since..evry 3 months or so..

my last period was feb 13 lasted for about 4 days...

and i conceived (without trying) about a month after..
yes frances32, just keep trying!!! thats all you can do eh?

my periods were exactly the same, never really a 28 day cycle, so when i was late every month i convinced myself i was pregnant, it was only when it went on so long, that we sort of relaxed a bit & started going out once a month & looked forward to that, that within 2 months i was pregnant!!!

i had had a baby before that too, so i knew i could get pregnant, so it was even more frustrating.

regarding your best friend, just be happy for her & relax a bit & i promise you your turn will come. :pray: :pray:

i was on depo a few years ago for about 3 years came off it in the end due to putting on loads of weight :( couldnt shift it while i was on depo it took over a year before i got a period and another 6 months before they were regular and it wasnt till then that i managed to lose the weight :shock: wish id never ever heard of depo awful form of contraception xxxxxxxx
HI I havent read all the replies but heres my experence
I was on the depo for about 5 years. I took my last depo in december 04 and was due again in feb 05 but never got it. It took till december 05 for me to have my first bleed. ANd my period has only just got back to normal. THe medics say it will take 12-18months for your periond and cycle to get back to normal. Some people are lucky and there periods regulate sooner. It drove me crazy waiting.
Hope this helps alittle and good luck TTC
hi frances welcome to the forum and all the best ttc. It sounds like everyone has different experiences. I have the book by the way and it is excellent, so informative and will make you feel better about the ttc journey.

Welcome to the forum, sorry I have no experience at all, so I can't add anything, but just want to wish you luck with TTC xx

I came off the Depot in September 2005. I got pregnant a couple of months ago but had a m/c.

When you come off the Depot it can take up to a year to become pregnant.

AF is back and normal now so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

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