Delayed vaccination?

since when do vacinnations help against common coughs and colds?!!


Exactly! Pretty much just stopped bothering to talk to them about it after that. If it comes up now I just say I don't want to discuss it, and then I stay quiet until they change the subject. Makes the atmosphere really uncomfortable for a minute or two but they do shut up when they realise you literally aren't going to discuss it! 😁
In our area, they send out the dates/times and if you don't go, you don't go! They just keep sending them out until your ready. I called to cancel once, and was told not to bother, they just send them out, as and when Xx
I am really sceptical about vaccines after doing a LOT of research and knowing many people who had bad reactions and now have life long issues. My baby boy is 8weeks and due his first lot next week. I was wondering how you went about delaying and getting them done separate? Do you get grief off doctors etc?
My hubby is on about paying private so we can pick and choose what he does and doesn't have due to so many being crammed together into 1 jab now. But I don't know if that's even a possibility, can you get them separately or is the dtap and 6in 1etc your only option?
I am really sceptical about vaccines after doing a LOT of research and knowing many people who had bad reactions and now have life long issues. My baby boy is 8weeks and due his first lot next week. I was wondering how you went about delaying and getting them done separate? Do you get grief off doctors etc?
My hubby is on about paying private so we can pick and choose what he does and doesn't have due to so many being crammed together into 1 jab now. But I don't know if that's even a possibility, can you get them separately or is the dtap and 6in 1etc your only option?

I don't know about separating them but I wanted to say that if your gut instinct is telling you not to get them then don't!

My youngest is not vaccinated. She's almost 5 and is the healthiest of all my children. She did have the vit k at birth and I regret that as I am sure she had a reaction. Luckily she was in special care, if she hadn't of been then she may have passed away.

You need plenty of time to research and make an informed decision. You can always get the vaccines later (if you decide the benefits outweigh the risks) but you can't undo them once they are done.

My friend just had her baby vaccinated and she had a terrible reaction. We had discussed it beforehand and she said her instincts were telling her not to get them but doctors and health visitors pressured her into it. She totally regretted it.
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I am really sceptical about vaccines after doing a LOT of research and knowing many people who had bad reactions and now have life long issues. My baby boy is 8weeks and due his first lot next week. I was wondering how you went about delaying and getting them done separate? Do you get grief off doctors etc?
My hubby is on about paying private so we can pick and choose what he does and doesn't have due to so many being crammed together into 1 jab now. But I don't know if that's even a possibility, can you get them separately or is the dtap and 6in 1etc your only option?

I don't know about separating them but I wanted to say that if your gut instinct is telling you not to get them then don't!

My youngest is not vaccinated. She's almost 5 and is the healthiest of all my children. She did have the vit k at birth and I regret that as I am sure she had a reaction. Luckily she was in special care, if she hadn't of been then she may have passed away.

You need plenty of time to research and make an informed decision. You can always get the vaccines later (if you decide the benefits outweigh the risks) but you can't undo them once they are done.

My friend just had her baby vaccinated and she had a terrible reaction. We had discussed it beforehand and she said her instincts were telling her not to get them but doctors and health visitors pressured her into it. She totally regretted it.

Thanks for that! I certainly won't be allowing anybody to pressure me Into it as when I was unsure about the pregnancy jabs I questioned the nurse who was supposed to be giving them to me and she couldn't answer any of my questions at all. I was pretty shocked that she was legally allowed to give them but not actually know much about what she was doing, potentially putting my baby at risk.
I refused the flu but got the dtap as my hubby insisted at the time. Since then I did a lot more digging, hubby has done his research now too and is also horrified at the hidden facts.
I refused the vit k injection and insisted on giving it orally, I didn't realise until afterwards that it's the same thing, they just give it by mouth instead of directly into the muscle.
I really cannot understand why they are giving so many to babies now and so often, I think it's disgusting personally.
Before I was pro vax like anybody else and was going to go ahead with them all no questions asked. It was coincidence that the day before my flu jab was due I came accross a video against it via social media and it opened my eyes to it. I cancelled that jab and then started researching.
A good friend of mine had her baby a month before I did, she seemed like a normal healthy baby when I first met her, now she's 13 weeks, had everything as recommended and she just isn't right. She is floppy, still needs head support and didn't move her limbs etc. Plus she's really struggling to keep any kind of milk or supplement down. Whether it's related to the jabs or not I don't know but I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case. I work with children and most of the younger ones now just don't seem right, or have serious diagnosed problems. I have never known so many ill children.
I started with alopicia back in school after jabs, a younger friend started with pots and others issues after the hpv and my dad started with severe allergies after a few tet jabs given closely together. He didn't have a single known allergy before that. He was unrecognisable he was so red and swollen. Of course its only now that I have started to piece things together and link them to vaccines (but still maybe it's just coincidence).

I'm still finding the whole thing difficult, I don't want to make a yes or no decision as I'm worried of consequences either way, despite knowing the benefits dont outweigh the risks :/
I am really sceptical about vaccines after doing a LOT of research and knowing many people who had bad reactions and now have life long issues. My baby boy is 8weeks and due his first lot next week. I was wondering how you went about delaying and getting them done separate? Do you get grief off doctors etc?
My hubby is on about paying private so we can pick and choose what he does and doesn't have due to so many being crammed together into 1 jab now. But I don't know if that's even a possibility, can you get them separately or is the dtap and 6in 1etc your only option?

I don't know about separating them but I wanted to say that if your gut instinct is telling you not to get them then don't!

My youngest is not vaccinated. She's almost 5 and is the healthiest of all my children. She did have the vit k at birth and I regret that as I am sure she had a reaction. Luckily she was in special care, if she hadn't of been then she may have passed away.

You need plenty of time to research and make an informed decision. You can always get the vaccines later (if you decide the benefits outweigh the risks) but you can't undo them once they are done.

My friend just had her baby vaccinated and she had a terrible reaction. We had discussed it beforehand and she said her instincts were telling her not to get them but doctors and health visitors pressured her into it. She totally regretted it.

Thanks for that! I certainly won't be allowing anybody to pressure me Into it as when I was unsure about the pregnancy jabs I questioned the nurse who was supposed to be giving them to me and she couldn't answer any of my questions at all. I was pretty shocked that she was legally allowed to give them but not actually know much about what she was doing, potentially putting my baby at risk.
I refused the flu but got the dtap as my hubby insisted at the time. Since then I did a lot more digging, hubby has done his research now too and is also horrified at the hidden facts.
I refused the vit k injection and insisted on giving it orally, I didn't realise until afterwards that it's the same thing, they just give it by mouth instead of directly into the muscle.
I really cannot understand why they are giving so many to babies now and so often, I think it's disgusting personally.
Before I was pro vax like anybody else and was going to go ahead with them all no questions asked. It was coincidence that the day before my flu jab was due I came accross a video against it via social media and it opened my eyes to it. I cancelled that jab and then started researching.
A good friend of mine had her baby a month before I did, she seemed like a normal healthy baby when I first met her, now she's 13 weeks, had everything as recommended and she just isn't right. She is floppy, still needs head support and didn't move her limbs etc. Plus she's really struggling to keep any kind of milk or supplement down. Whether it's related to the jabs or not I don't know but I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case. I work with children and most of the younger ones now just don't seem right, or have serious diagnosed problems. I have never known so many ill children.
I started with alopicia back in school after jabs, a younger friend started with pots and others issues after the hpv and my dad started with severe allergies after a few tet jabs given closely together. He didn't have a single known allergy before that. He was unrecognisable he was so red and swollen. Of course its only now that I have started to piece things together and link them to vaccines (but still maybe it's just coincidence).

I'm still finding the whole thing difficult, I don't want to make a yes or no decision as I'm worried of consequences either way, despite knowing the benefits dont outweigh the risks :/

Research the illnesses. Most are not as scary as the media make us believe. I had measles, mumps, rubella and chicken pox as a child (& probably more) and I didn't suffer any complications. I'm not scared of my daughter catching them as I have read up on how to care for her properly if she does get them. The only illness that worried me was whooping cough, the 1st 12 months is the worst time to catch it but once we passed that age it didn't even cross my mind. I have had moments where I've wondered if I should get her vaccinated but I would never forgive myself if it damaged her.
How did you come to an agreement with your partner?
He has a similar view to me after doing his own research but he still insists that he has at least what we had as babies (we had 5 of the now 9), whereas I would rather him not have any and we keep having arguments about it as we both want what we think is best.
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How did you come to an agreement with your partner?
He has a similar view to me after doing his own research but he still insists that he has at least what we had as babies (we had 5 of the now 9), whereas I would rather him not have any and we keep having arguments about it as we both want what we think is best.

My husband wasn't sure to begin with but he trusted my gut instinct. He knew I had done a ton of research and he trusts my decisions. He is totally on my side now, he sees our youngest is so healthy compared to her older sister especially. This time he has said he doesn't want the baby to even have the vit k jab at birth :)
He thinks he didn't have any vaccinations as a child but i am a bit dubious about that. His mum was an alcoholic and he says there's no way she would have bothered taking him for jabs.
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I also knew that if i changed my mind, went against my gut instinct, and let her have some that I would never forgive myself if she suffered a reaction. I just couldn't take the risk.
Eurgh don't even get me started on vit K :/
I was harassed hours after birth by several different doctors who basically tried to bully me, one actually raising his voice at me whilst I was on maternity ward in front of other women.

I believe in evolution, and if we've evolved with vitamin k hardly present in newborn's, and very little present in breastmilk, there is obviously a reason.

But anyway, I can't breastfeed :( and there's shit loads of vit K in formula so in the end, the professionals win and I lose, so they should just piss off and leave me alone :lol:
Eurgh don't even get me started on vit K :/
I was harassed hours after birth by several different doctors who basically tried to bully me, one actually raising his voice at me whilst I was on maternity ward in front of other women.

I believe in evolution, and if we've evolved with vitamin k hardly present in newborn's, and very little present in breastmilk, there is obviously a reason.

But anyway, I can't breastfeed :( and there's shit loads of vit K in formula so in the end, the professionals win and I lose, so they should just piss off and leave me alone :lol:

They are horrid for pressuring people! Luckily my experience wasn't quite so bad but opting for it orally was bad enough, it's only meant for babies with traumatic births in the first place so I don't know why everybody is pressured into it. It's as though our midwives and nurses etc are brainwashed on the vaccination side of things during their education and are under the assumption that our babies will die if they don't receive everything and as quickly as possible. I'm really tempted to just print out all the facts and evidence against jabs and just hand it all over to anyone I see who tries to pressure us into them. When people do their own research they don't seem to dig enough to find what they actually need to see. Surely then they would soon change their minds about it all like the rest of us.
I had no idea formula was full of it too! I was under the impression it was supposed to mimic breast milk as closely as possible. I know it has added vitamin D but had no clue about the vit k. I am one of the lucky ones and able to breastfeed exclusively so haven't had to go into formula yet thankfully.
Eurgh don't even get me started on vit K :/
I was harassed hours after birth by several different doctors who basically tried to bully me, one actually raising his voice at me whilst I was on maternity ward in front of other women.

I believe in evolution, and if we've evolved with vitamin k hardly present in newborn's, and very little present in breastmilk, there is obviously a reason.

But anyway, I can't breastfeed :( and there's shit loads of vit K in formula so in the end, the professionals win and I lose, so they should just piss off and leave me alone :lol:

They are horrid for pressuring people! Luckily my experience wasn't quite so bad but opting for it orally was bad enough, it's only meant for babies with traumatic births in the first place so I don't know why everybody is pressured into it. It's as though our midwives and nurses etc are brainwashed on the vaccination side of things during their education and are under the assumption that our babies will die if they don't receive everything and as quickly as possible. I'm really tempted to just print out all the facts and evidence against jabs and just hand it all over to anyone I see who tries to pressure us into them. When people do their own research they don't seem to dig enough to find what they actually need to see. Surely then they would soon change their minds about it all like the rest of us.
I had no idea formula was full of it too! I was under the impression it was supposed to mimic breast milk as closely as possible. I know it has added vitamin D but had no clue about the vit k. I am one of the lucky ones and able to breastfeed exclusively so haven't had to go into formula yet thankfully.

Ugh, formula adverts annoy me. They say 'closer than ever to breastmilk'. Closer than what? Closer than urine to breastmilk? Closer than sea water? :wall2:
Eurgh don't even get me started on vit K :/
I was harassed hours after birth by several different doctors who basically tried to bully me, one actually raising his voice at me whilst I was on maternity ward in front of other women.

I believe in evolution, and if we've evolved with vitamin k hardly present in newborn's, and very little present in breastmilk, there is obviously a reason.

But anyway, I can't breastfeed :( and there's shit loads of vit K in formula so in the end, the professionals win and I lose, so they should just piss off and leave me alone :lol:

They are horrid for pressuring people! Luckily my experience wasn't quite so bad but opting for it orally was bad enough, it's only meant for babies with traumatic births in the first place so I don't know why everybody is pressured into it. It's as though our midwives and nurses etc are brainwashed on the vaccination side of things during their education and are under the assumption that our babies will die if they don't receive everything and as quickly as possible. I'm really tempted to just print out all the facts and evidence against jabs and just hand it all over to anyone I see who tries to pressure us into them. When people do their own research they don't seem to dig enough to find what they actually need to see. Surely then they would soon change their minds about it all like the rest of us.
I had no idea formula was full of it too! I was under the impression it was supposed to mimic breast milk as closely as possible. I know it has added vitamin D but had no clue about the vit k. I am one of the lucky ones and able to breastfeed exclusively so haven't had to go into formula yet thankfully.

Ugh, formula adverts annoy me. They say 'closer than ever to breastmilk'. Closer than what? Closer than urine to breastmilk? Closer than sea water? :wall2:

A friend had her baby roughly 7 weeks before me, she had to stop breastfeeding and her baby couldn't stomach shop bought formula and was struggling to keep weight on so they gave her some kind of 'special formula' and it just smells like chemicals! At least she's getting fed and gaining weight now but she's still sick after most feeds and I can't imagine it does her much good :(
Eurgh don't even get me started on vit K :/
I was harassed hours after birth by several different doctors who basically tried to bully me, one actually raising his voice at me whilst I was on maternity ward in front of other women.

I believe in evolution, and if we've evolved with vitamin k hardly present in newborn's, and very little present in breastmilk, there is obviously a reason.

But anyway, I can't breastfeed :( and there's shit loads of vit K in formula so in the end, the professionals win and I lose, so they should just piss off and leave me alone :lol:

They are horrid for pressuring people! Luckily my experience wasn't quite so bad but opting for it orally was bad enough, it's only meant for babies with traumatic births in the first place so I don't know why everybody is pressured into it. It's as though our midwives and nurses etc are brainwashed on the vaccination side of things during their education and are under the assumption that our babies will die if they don't receive everything and as quickly as possible. I'm really tempted to just print out all the facts and evidence against jabs and just hand it all over to anyone I see who tries to pressure us into them. When people do their own research they don't seem to dig enough to find what they actually need to see. Surely then they would soon change their minds about it all like the rest of us.
I had no idea formula was full of it too! I was under the impression it was supposed to mimic breast milk as closely as possible. I know it has added vitamin D but had no clue about the vit k. I am one of the lucky ones and able to breastfeed exclusively so haven't had to go into formula yet thankfully.

Ugh, formula adverts annoy me. They say 'closer than ever to breastmilk'. Closer than what? Closer than urine to breastmilk? Closer than sea water? :wall2:

A friend had her baby roughly 7 weeks before me, she had to stop breastfeeding and her baby couldn't stomach shop bought formula and was struggling to keep weight on so they gave her some kind of 'special formula' and it just smells like chemicals! At least she's getting fed and gaining weight now but she's still sick after most feeds and I can't imagine it does her much good :(
Oh, that doesn't seem right, bleurgh.

A friend of mine successfully breastfed 2 babies and then her 3rd failed to thrive. They put her on high calorie formula and she still never thrived as they expected. She was always a very slim baby and still is now that she is older. My friend was gutted she stopped feeding and ended up with post natal depression.

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