Delayed Cord Clamping Article

I want to do this. But hubby seems to think that if it's more beneficial, wouldn't they do it in the first place? Well, it's my body and my choice lol. So he can shhh. :) I know he wants what's best for our baby though.xx
Hospitals are starting to create guidelines now that delayed cord clamping should be the norm. In the hospital I work in we always delay clamping the cord as it is so good for the baby. You can always opt for the injection after the cord has stopped pulsating if you want the midwife to help deliver the placenta x
Lulabell some places do not do it as it means they can get you cleaned up and out of the room quicker - it is great that some hospitals are now doing this as the norm but not all do.

You could check with your Midwife - there are reasons it has become practice to clamp early including collecting the cord blood - but research now shows that this results in baby losing between 25 and 40% of its blood supply which in turn effects respiration and iron levels. Not all policies are for the benefit of mother and baby unfortunately.
All policies are intended to help mother and baby as much as possible, there are some that are out of date, but they are revised on a regular basis. It is starting to become common knowledge between healthcare professionals and midwives that delayed cord clamping is better for the baby, and it is not impossible to get cord bloods from a cord that has stopped pulsating, but obviously it is also a priority to find out in high risk births the oxygen levels of the baby. By taking cord bloods it prevents us from having to prick the babies foot in order to get blood. This only happens at high risk births or mothers who are rhesus negative.

Definitely mention that you would like delayed cord clamping when baby arrives to the midwife who is looking after you, as she may not do it routinely. I do as it really does benefit the baby and the majority of people I work with do it too. Hopefully in the next couple of years everywhere will do it routinely.
wonder if they do that with a c section? as thats what im having x
The article said for c sections they can still do it but it may take longer or that was what I took from it :)
i want to have delayed cord clamping but want the injection after the cord has stopped pulsating to deliver the placenta.

my dh doesnt have a say in that matter!
Bump - for any new ladies who haven't decided about cord clamping yet
Think at the hospital I'm going to (Brighton) they go for natural 3rd stage unless you request the injection - I just plan to see how the birth goes first then decide x

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