

Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2009
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I took morgan to the doc today for dehydration as he has a chesty cough and cant keep much down. How long do I let the vomitting go on for before I take him back again? Im not sure what to do for the best. Hes in bed now having thrown up twice in the last half hour, so Im pretty sure his stomach is empty. :(

what would you do? Wake him up to give him more water or just let him sleep?
I'd let him sleep. The poor thing is probably glad of a rest if he is so poorly.

As soon as he wakes up just let him sip the water. Poor baby! X

thanks, Im losing the capacity to make decisions at the minute!
Must be awful to see him like that.

After my experience this weekend go with your gut instinct!!!
Charley was throwing up for 3 weeks until it got so bad Friday, he ended up on a drip caused by dehydration! If you don't think he's right, take him to the doctors! x x
Thanks, I keep thinking of Charley and wondering what I should do about it to get Morgan the right treatment. I dont know what symptoms to look for cos he already had them all when we saw the doc this morning :confused: I think if he has a dry nappy again in the morning Ill have to go back to the doctor. I dont want to see Morgan on a drip, it must be horrible to see them like that, but he needs to keep hydrated
Charley only had the 1 symptom and that was dark wee. They told me to do the skin pinch test, check for dry/cracked lips, dry Tongue and sucken soft spots but I couldn't tell the difference with those things. It was when I got to the hospital that they said, his soft spot was sucken and his Tongue wasn't moist. He was larthgic sp? too!
The problem with doctors is you have to keep annoying them until they listen! Even the nurse who looked after us said, doctors have all these qualifications but it's the mother who knows best for their child!! x x
yeah Morgans had a sunken soft spot for a few days, hard poos, cold hands and feet. Thats what I saw the doc with yesterday. He did some soft poos last night tho :yay: He threw up twice last night but woke at 11pm absolutely hysterical screaming, I think he mustve been in pain, so we gave him calpol and he fell asleep in my arms. Then woke at 3am again hysterical so more calpol and I gave him a half diluted bottle of milk (doc told us to) and he settled to sleep and fingers crossed no more sick (yet!)

His nappy was more wet this morning and hed done a poo :yay: so I guess its signs of improvement.
His hydration is much better thanks :) his temp was going high and he's been diagnosed with a chest infection so he's on antibiotics now. He's keeping stuff down much better, just a bit sick when he coughs but not the amounts we were having before :roll:

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