Should I call the out of hours GP?


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2007
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Jake has got a cold and chest infection I think. It doesnt seem to be bothering him but he has a chesty cough which was really bad last night. Im giving him calpol and plenty of warm water to drink but should I call the GP out?
I would be inclined to leave it till tomorrow unless you think he cannot breathe. Jessica has a chesty cough and its a lot worse at night. I would give some buttercup syrup, that soothe the throat. They do a infant version but I usually just give the adult stuff.

The doc probably wont do very much, I hope he feels a bit better soon. :hug:
i agree as docs dont tend to do anything for ababys etc theyll just say wait it out as long as little one is feeding
I would wait untill tomorrow hun, Harrison has had 2 colds along with chest infections this past month and he's had penicillin for both, even though he was bad I wouldnt class them urgent enough to call the GP out. Keep giving him lots of fluids to drink as his throat probably hurts from all the coughing and maybe get him some cough medicine for his age untill you can get him into the doctors
Hiya Natalie,

Hope Jake is feeling much better, I know it's so worrying when they are poorly and never sure whether to get the doctor out.


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