Definetly was Baby moving :)


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2010
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Ive been thinking I have been feeling baby for the last week or so but was 100% sure but I have just been eating a yummy curry and baby must of realised as it definetly had a little wriggle :) felt abit like a few popping bubbles really low down x x

when I ate my curry last night I got a wiggly feeling down below and I had it on the bus the other day too. Was very odd.
Ive had wriggly feelings before now were my belly feels like it was turning in a way but tonight it was like popping bubbles and made me remember the first time I felt Adam :) x x

aww thats lovely, ive been feeling same bubbles poppin feeling but didnt know if it was too early or not x
They say you tend to feel baby earlier and earlier in your 2nd/3rd/4th/5th ect pregnancy because you know what to expect. So it could well be baby :) How did your scan go BabyA? x x

Thats so sweet - all I've been feeling is wind! But I cant wait to feel a baby move inside me.
That's so nice!!
I've a bit to go before I feel the little one moving but in the meantime, there's plenty of wind moving around down there to keep me company :)
Awwwwwwwww :D That's so lovely!

You can also apparently feel baby more if your skinny.
I'm super skinny (well apart from bloat right now!) :lol: so perhaps I'll feel baby move early.

I felt charley at 10 weeks! Everyone said it was far too early but the feelings were everyday that turned into little kicks then big boots in the ribs! Lol x x
Thanks ladies, i was waiting for it to do it again but must be having a snooze or not using its sac as a bouncy castle :) x x

Ive been getting same feelings a lot last few days and wasn't sure (I also put a post in preg chat) I seem to feel it at night when I'm relaxed, was listening to baby on Doppler last night as well so think I made it move! Heartbeat was so strong and fast amazing since only 2 or 3 weeks ago I couldnt hear a thing only my own blood!
I thought I had felt something but must be wind (and oh boy am I windy) but was a few times but figured I am too early to feel anything but this is my 3rd pregnancy...could it be or is it impossible??:oooo:

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