Deffo tmi !!!


Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2010
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Hey girls.. Some of you know my af was due Thursday so only a day late so far, previously I had missed two months period and this ended 1 month ago.. I'm
Hoping that it hasn't got anything to do with it.. But anyway .. I've had a metal taste in my mouth a couple of days ago, kinda sore nipples but only when I touch them, but there constantly errect? Lol
Just done a Louise (tmi) .. Checked my cervix. I did check it about a month ago for first time in ttc and you know it felt normal? Few weeks later felt the same snd just this second I thought oo let's check.. No sign of af and what I think is my cervix lol.. Was really low, like there wasn't a lot of room in there, was soft tho. I remember a thread on this before but I can't remember what the out comes were?
Any help is good :)
Thanks in advance x
sounds promising!

fingers crossed for you, baby dust coming your way

Donna xx
lol! A Louise... :roll:

I gave up on checking my cervix as a pregnancy test, just didn't mean anything as far as my body was concerned.

Low and soft wouldn't indicate pregnancy either, would indicate AF if anything :(

High and hard = pregnancy, but like i said it isn't very reliable.

I really hope your pregnant, but i'm a little worried that your missing period last cycle implies you might be really irregular for a little while and a "late period" can't really be relied on.

Get a Clear Blue fertility montior if you can afford it because i think it'd be invalueable in your situation.

Or even OPKs, have you tired them?
Thanks louise, no i havent tried them, i was hoping just to let nature take its corse.. yeh im kinda worried its gonna be another missed month too.. little less hopefull last couple days:(
gonna give it a week then test.. but i would see why id miss my periods, ive never been on the pill:S well for like 1 month when i was young but other than that its it..:S

Thank you babylover :)


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