Deep Bellybuttons


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2010
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Might seem like a weird thread to start but does anybody else have this to the point that their bump is in 2 with their deep bellybutton firmly in place? I have been paranoid since this all started and can't bear the thought of anybody yet looking at my bump and try to mask it with clothes to give it a smooth appearance.

I love the bump pictures on here but have yet to see anybody have a double camel hump like me lol. And do you think this will eventually push out even to a flatty?

my bump was the same till i hit around 30 weeks, and by 33 weeks it started popping outxxxxxxxxx
mine is out at the mo but i think mine is more relaxed with me already having 4
Thanks don that is reasurring that something might happen and it may even look like a normal preggy belly.

Thanks midnight hun, heres for a flatty.

I had the deepest belly button ever, and had the dip in my bump until about 34 weeks... when it kind of covered itself over?! Now it's gone back to an inny but a baggy one ha ha!
Thanks Mikid, really starting to feel a bit more normal now but not looking forward to a baggy one lol x
I know it is rather vile!! I'm hoping when i finally get round to doing some exercise it might tone back to its normal self!!
mine never poped out as its proper deep, i wud love it to pop out though as i think its cool!! :(

Sorry everyone but I have a sick need to share my deep belly button story of shame.

When my bump started appearing and my belly button started opening out, I discovered that what I thought was the bottom was just a bit where the sides had stuck together and it was actually much deeper. It also looked a bit dirty so I spent a couple of nights in the bath digging round with a cotton bud but the dirt would not come out. Eventually it became my mission and I had a proper go with a pair of tweezers...

When I eventually pulled out the offending dirt I was horrified, it was a huge clump about half and inch long that must have been there since time began. The really sick part is that I kept it for a week or so as I was so pleased to have removed it and absolutely horrified that it had been hidden in there all this time.

Well anyway, to get back on to the point of this thread. I now have a deep (but very clean) belly button which is getting wider by the day and very definetly splits my bump in two to the extent I won't wear anything vaugely tight cos it looks like an asteroid crater!
The really sick part is that I kept it for a week or so as I was so pleased to have removed it and absolutely horrified that it had been hidden in there all this time.

:rofl: LOVE it!
Mine is to I never seem to have a round bump lol I just look like I've put on weight lol I dOnt wear tight clothing either when I stand at the side and look in the mirror my bumP looks like a B lol
Oh thank god for that lol after seeing all these perfect bumps I thought I was the odd one out and was soooo self conscious with my camel humps, thanks girls nice to know I am not the only one without the perfect bump x

Catty, umm don't think I will be rumaging around in mine lol x
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