decided to take maternity leave early!


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2010
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Well I been thinking about my job and decided I don't have any kids so I'm gunna leave work early and have time to myself before little man comes as my life will change forever so leaving at 29 weeks! Woohoo! Last day tomoo! X
Wow, you're lucky, I wish i could afford to do that. you're so right though, it's the last time in your life you'll have to yourself. Enjoy!! X
Go you! I did it too cos I was being redundant. Give yourself lots to do though like meeting friends or hobbies and stuff to stop you getting bored! Xx
Thanks ladies I'm very lucky in the respect I get 13 weeks full pay then the basic 500 per month so gotta cover 9 weeks worth as taking leave before my actual maternity starts :) x
Aw I only work part time now n have a Lil boy who goes play group Thursday/ Friday so I decided to take mat leave early to enjoy two days aweek to my self as that's never gunna happen again for a long time, I love it it's just nice to relax nice n quite n get ur jobs done n sleep or just do nothing haha x
Thanks ladies I'm very lucky in the respect I get 13 weeks full pay then the basic 500 per month so gotta cover 9 weeks worth as taking leave before my actual maternity starts :) x

I'm lucky too and also got that. I got it in a lump sum because I was made redundant so I have divided it all up so that I don't spend it all before I should have. Hopefully my maths is correct and it will last until christmas. X
Lucky u :) I had similar plans, i finish for mat leave 5th June, but currently using up my 8 weeks annual leave first :) but I keep going to work - for extra money on top of my salary that is, as there is so much I still need to buy and it's all so expensive! can't wait to put my feet up soon :)

We all need the rest we can before the baby arrive cos wont will have time later.. am enjoying it my early leave and wont be bother too go in my last day on Sunday but will be busy...wont risk standing on my feet for too long.. start to become bit swallow.
Wow enjoy! I was still working when I went into labour at 35+5 so never did get any mat leave before Ella arrived! Still at least I get to spend it all with her x
I'm planning on leaving early too, plus using up my annual leave entitlement I have to take this year. Which (even though I'm not due til the beginning of October) I could leave mid/late June... Sounds so lush!

My views are that I've worked so hard for so long and run about for everyone all the time and don't really have time to myself that I'm going to make the most of having these last few months to myself. Everyone that I have this conversation with only seems oppossed to the idea saying i'll get bored and I'll regret it because I won't have as long with the baby..... I've got the next 18-25 years with stress of baby/toddler/child/teenager/adult... I'm sure I'll cope fine having to go back to work that little bit earlier. I get right annoyed they way people go on trying to tell me to wait.... they've got no idea how stressful and hard my life is/ has been. I'm going to make the most of these last few months and enjoy being pregnant and enjoy these last few months to myself. Screw everyone else! Grrrrrr!!

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lucky u enjoy hun. xxx

I stil have a few weeks :(
Bless thanks for replies :) I've officially left woohoo. I just think to myself this is my first, I'm never ever going to get time like this again without having any one else to look after . So it will be nice to just chill, relax, potter around, bit of Jeremy kyle- all the good stuff hehe x

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