Decided to spoil my LO

Miracle babe

Well-Known Member
May 19, 2006
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My DD is 7 years old and she is amazing I don't know what I'd do without her, she makes sure her bedroom is always tidy so I don't have to do it, she dusts and cleans the windows, picks things up for me and has even off her own initiative run me a bath and told me to go and have a relax (no I don't smell Budge :rotfl: ) Well the last few days she has been a little bit down and off colour, not ill, so I decided to spoil her a bit, went to Argos and got her a new pink heart shaped rug for her bedroom, put up pink fluffy lights around her door and a heart shaped light next to her bed. Also got her a water dispenser, new pink bedding and a lovely picture of a pink flower for over her bed. Well I busted a gut putting this all up then pulled down the black out blind switched the lights on and closed her door before going to pick her up from school. When she got home she went upstairs to change out of her uniform and her reaction was just wonderful, I could hear her oooohhhing and ahhhhing and then she just came belting back down the stairs to give me a huge hug and say thankyou. Boy it was worth the effort, she keeps running back and forth to her room and was so excitited about daddy coming home so she could show him.
I feel all emotional, she certainly did deserve it and its lovely to do something special for them without there being any occasion or expectation of it.

How could I ever wonder why I'm doing this all over again.
awww sounds like you're a great mom, explains why your daughter is as kind and caring as she is!!!!
that is the sweetest thing ever! and what a clever girl you have indeed! so caring and attentive.

We wanna see pics of the pink room and of course of you're little princess :D
aww miracle babe! you have a little star there. :hug: :hug: :hug:
budge said:
aww miracle babe! you have a little star there. :hug: :hug: :hug:

she obviously didnt notice the smelly bit :rotfl: that post was far too nice! hehe
Miracle Babe that's lovely! I hope I have a relationship like that with my little girl. She sounds like she's going to be an amazing big sis :D
Sounds like you two have the perfect relationship. She sounds a sweetie x
aaaahhh thats lovely miracle babe

i might just do that for my little sis :think:

thanx for the idea :lol:
what a lovely thing to do hun,and what a sweet little girl you have :hug: xx
Bless you, what a lovely thing to do for a lovely little girl...You must be so proud of herxxxxx
Aw that was a lovley thing to do for her. She sounds like she's been a little gem...Haylea has been exactly the same with me, she can't help out enough sometimes. You sound like you've raised a very caring, thoughtful little girl there.....bless her... :hug: :hug: :hug:
that is just so beautiful. What a great Mummy you are and what a great daughter you have :D

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