

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2006
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what are your thoughts on the 'afterlife'? Ok. a bit heavy for a Thursday evening, but i would love to know what everyone else thinks / feels.

Every time i think of death i end up getting myself so worked up i have to stop. i don't know if i believe in heaven and hell - would be a bit to packed thinking of all the people who have died over the years. I think whilst someone still carries a amount of love for us we carry on, 'living' from that love and watching over these people. i can't believe we just stop. All the thoughts, emotions, loves, hates, everything - i can't believe it just stops.

whats everyone's thoughts on death and what happens?
Hmm i also get very worked up when i start thinking about death or people i know dying it really scares me. I am quite spiritual but i'm not religious i believe in ghosts etc..but i think its something we have no proper knowledge or explanation for yet (other dimensions or something) so i'm not sure i believe in heaven and hell as such but i do believe in science and science tells us that energy cannot be destroyed it can only move and change form.
Therefore i believe we are energies or souls and our bodys a re merely shells which we need to walk this plane..and when we die our energy moves on to another plane. Its all a bit deep and i don't have time to go into it properly this is just a brief rundown of what i believe!! I go on an unexplained mysteries forum where we talk about all this kind of stuff and the paranormal etc..i find it really interesting!
I hope that when we die, we just split up into countless atoms and become part of everything IYKWIM, one collective conciousness

I've never been afraid of death. It's a natural process, as natural as giving birth or breathing or having sex. It couldn't be too bad if so many people have done it before :lol:
zebrastripes said:
I hope that when we die, we just split up into countless atoms and become part of everything IYKWIM, one collective conciousness

I've never been afraid of death. It's a natural process, as natural as giving birth or breathing or having sex. It couldn't be too bad if so many people have done it before :lol:

I'm not afraid of death either. I think because I've had such terrible things happen to me... Death just seems to be a sort of release for me... At the moment I feel that I am only here for my kids and I will be here for them until I die...but if they weren't here, I wouldn't be.

As for what happens when we die...I know its not bad.... I have personal experiences concerning it which I don't want to discuss in off topic. But I know that its peaceful.... I'd like to think that we just split up into countless atoms and become part of everything too... that sounds peaceful.

For anyone whos read His Dark Materials (the trilogy of "the Golden Compass"), that has a lovely explanation into death at the end, where they break up into millions of atoms.
Squiglet said:
zebrastripes said:
I hope that when we die, we just split up into countless atoms and become part of everything IYKWIM, one collective conciousness

I've never been afraid of death. It's a natural process, as natural as giving birth or breathing or having sex. It couldn't be too bad if so many people have done it before :lol:

I'm not afraid of death either. I think because I've had such terrible things happen to me... Death just seems to be a sort of release for me... At the moment I feel that I am only here for my kids and I will be here for them until I die...but if they weren't here, I wouldn't be.

As for what happens when we die...I know its not bad.... I have personal experiences concerning it which I don't want to discuss in off topic. But I know that its peaceful.... I'd like to think that we just split up into countless atoms and become part of everything too... that sounds peaceful.

For anyone whos read His Dark Materials (the trilogy of "the Golden Compass"), that has a lovely explanation into death at the end, where they break up into millions of atoms.

The bit with the balloonist :D i know, when i read it, I was like, "hey,that's what i think"

I'm a really curious person too, and will genuinely quite look forward,when the time comes, to finding out what the heck does actually happen
zebrastripes said:
Squiglet said:
zebrastripes said:
I hope that when we die, we just split up into countless atoms and become part of everything IYKWIM, one collective conciousness

I've never been afraid of death. It's a natural process, as natural as giving birth or breathing or having sex. It couldn't be too bad if so many people have done it before :lol:

I'm not afraid of death either. I think because I've had such terrible things happen to me... Death just seems to be a sort of release for me... At the moment I feel that I am only here for my kids and I will be here for them until I die...but if they weren't here, I wouldn't be.

As for what happens when we die...I know its not bad.... I have personal experiences concerning it which I don't want to discuss in off topic. But I know that its peaceful.... I'd like to think that we just split up into countless atoms and become part of everything too... that sounds peaceful.

For anyone whos read His Dark Materials (the trilogy of "the Golden Compass"), that has a lovely explanation into death at the end, where they break up into millions of atoms.

The bit with the balloonist :D i know, when i read it, I was like, "hey,that's what i think"

I'm a really curious person too, and will genuinely quite look forward,when the time comes, to finding out what the heck does actually happen

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: Mr. Scoresby :) I'm to curious too... Curiosity killed the cat :lol:
I think there must be somewhere we go....
My mum went to see a medium once, ad the message she got was scarily accurate, about something in the house that the medium could not possibly have known about, it was apparently my grandfather who was there.
Every so often I toy with the idea of going to see a medium, or at least to go to a spiritualist church as my grandparents have all passed on now and I especially miss my grandmother on my mum's side - even more so now i'm pregnant I wish she was still about.
On the other hand, if I did receive any sort of message i think i would be totally freaked out!!!
I believe nothing happens, well nothing in the conscious sense. You may become worm food! :wink:
I don't believe in an afterlife, its just a circle of life. You live, you die. This is it.

There is only one certainty in life and that is death.
You may live on through your loved ones memories for a few generations, but unless you do something noteworthy, such as discover gravity, the chances are you will just become a population statistic. Pretty gloomy stuff, but I've had a while to get my head around the idea! :lol: Apart from missing a minute of my sons life, the other thing that makes me sad is that I will die without knowing more about the universe and that old age question, why are we here?!
I cant even talk about it, it makes me panic!! I made myself really ill a few years ago thinking about it too much and lost 3 stone :shock:

I think its the not knowing what happens that gets me, i just want to know that its going to be ok. The thought of it now and not seeing Ruby again makes me so upset :cry: :cry: :cry:
maria1976 said:
I cant even talk about it, it makes me panic!! I made myself really ill a few years ago thinking about it too much and lost 3 stone :shock:

I think its the not knowing what happens that gets me, i just want to know that its going to be ok. The thought of it now and not seeing Ruby again makes me so upset :cry: :cry: :cry:


I know how you feel, I was actually on medication a few years ago for anxiety and it was all related to the fact I was terrified of dying/death. I actually have to stop myself thinking too much about it now else I still get a bit of a knotted tummy. I hope we go on to meet our loved ones who have gone before us and wait for the ones still here but thats about as far as I can let my mind wander :(
I was actualy once fascinated by this subject and always wondered about afterlife and what would happen to us all when we die so much so i done my work experience with a local undertakers (morbid i know) :lol: But at the time it was really fascinating knowing all the in's and outs of what happens after we die so to speak. But then my views completely changed on all this after my aunty died and ever since then the whole thought of dying terrifies me :( so much so it birngs on really bad pannick attacks so now i just live for each day and try to not even think of it to much.
I'm really into spiritual stuff and I believe that when we die we go to another place and we have some kind of teacher who helps us in our spiritual journey and you move up and move on in the spirit world.
When you've learned everything your reincarnated and start all over again.

I saw a quote from some a scientist at the end of film once, I can't remember exactly how it went but it's something like
"I hate going to sleep, sleep is like tiny pieces of death"
and it made me think what if when we die we die but still dream about people we have left behind.
Like if a house is haunted the dead person haunting it could just be dreaming about the house and it would look to a living person that it is haunted if you get what I mean?
I believe there is something. Our bodies are just the vehucles we ue o experience life in. I also believe thereis something before life as a being, a place where our soul develops before being given it's vehicle.

I am not afraid of death as such, as I think there is a new existance to move on to, but I am afraid of leaving people behind :(
I do beleive there is something after life.... but I just never want to find it!!

I am absolutely terrifed of death... I just want to live forever. After seeing my Mum pass away I just get petrified of the thought of it

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