Dear Lord someone help - feeds


Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2009
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Ok so Annabelle goes through little phases of being in a routine, then goes totally backwards.

we had cracked every 3 hours 3-4 ounces. then we stretched to 4 hours 4-5 ounces, which in general worked ok for a few days.

HOWEVER lately she has not been finishing her full 4 or 5 ounces. stops at about 2 or 3 ounces and falls asleep , then for love nor money i cannnot wake her. so then of course shes hungry again in bout and hour or 2!!

so then what the hell do i do? give her the rest? but then what time would that feed have been!?! because then the times and the routine is all messed up and shes permanently hungry it seems and im permanantly feeding and she seems less content and obv she cant sleep as well.

arrrggggh its sooo hard. any advice?? xx
Morgan did exactly this last night!! :wall: he woke every other hour!! screamed so badly when i made him wait half an hour!

the night before my mum did the night shift for me to catch up on sleep, i did the 9.30 feed then he was up at 2am and 5am then i got up with him at 8! i couldve handled that night on my own!! i think he just like winding his mummy up!
Emmmm sounds like the teat could be too slow for her? Go to a faster flow teat and see how that goes :) also you haven't changed to hungry baby formula or anything have you?
Paige always falls asleep after about 2oz on her 9pm and 3am feed! Drives me crazy. But I know if she doesnt get the full 5oz at 9pm she'll wake up at 1am and 6am and take longer to settle.

Now, even if it takes an hour, I will always wake her up and slowly get her to drink it. Ive had to strip her down to her vest, give her face a wash half way through the feed, blow on her face, play with her feet, change her nappy half way through...Ive even taken her outside to try wake her up lol. Im only so determined as she dropped her 11pm feed as she was only taking half an oz so I want to make sure she's getting a good feed before bed!

Id say if she asks for it, then give her the rest, or, try hold her off a feed for an extra half hour or hour and then she might take a full bottle at the next feed? It all depends if you dont midn feeding on demand or you want to keep feeding more structured.

Hope things sort out soon though!
thanks guys, v helpful. no not changed to hungry baby but tempted to to keep her going thru the night??

haha i will be trying those wake up tricks then. i def want a routine of some sort xx
I want a routine too but Morgan wont oblige!! Is there a certain age when routines are easier to establish? or should I have done it from birth?!
I don't know Tiny but I'm having the same problems - Cahal just wants to feed all the time and ends up overtired in the mornings and completely sparko all afternoon. He does sleep well during the night usually though, thank heaven for small mercies eh?
at least we're not alone! :hug:

We were getting good nights out of him at one stage then he switched around to sleeping in the day! In fact... I think I might just try and wake him now!
i would def try what mamafy said about the teat as she could be getting too tired from sucking x
her routine just changes constantly. from every 3 hours to every 2 then to every 4. each stint seems to last about 3 days. weird!!

i wake her now if shes sleeping too much during the day!! Mean mummy haha x
morgans exactly the same, we get a few days and i think ahh we have a 4 hourly routine then he changes! we're on 3 hourly now, had to sit through some screaming yesterday to get there but it worked! fed at 10.30, 1.30, 4.45 and just finished a feed now (nearly 4 hours - he screamed bloody murder as i showered before feeding him!)

today im gonna try and stretch him to 3 and a half hours, im giving him 10mls more per feed, wish me luck!!
Ava-mai is exactly the same with her feeding times and falling asleep after she has had about 3oz. When i spoke to the health visitor she said was fine and when she woke up for her feed to feed her again. I was worried it was too much but they sai if she's hungry don't try and stretch it out as it could just be a phase like a growth spurt as its only been happening for around 4 days. It says once the formula is made it can last 2 hours so if its only an hour later i give Ava the rest, if not she has a fresh bottle but can sometimes finish the whole thing off anyway!!:lol:

it is very hard not having a routine so i can totally understand what you girlies mean!! :roll:

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