Dear baby - Tomorrow would be convenient

star fish

Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2010
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Still a week until my due date - but seeing as my due date is xmas eve and I dont want to spend xmas day in hospital I was really hoping he would have come by now!

My husband has tomorrow (sunday) and Monday off work so it would be extrememly helpful if I could go into labour tomorrow.

Also we are supposed to be having my in-laws for dinner tomorrow night and this would be a good excuse to put them off!

I've made some chilli bean stew for dinner and I'm seriously considering adding some curry powder to help things along as well.

I've even tried the nipple stimulation thing, but not keen on trying the sex thing as if it works then will I have time to have a bath before half a hospital look up my V, and if I do have a bath might it not then stop labour?

Am making a pot of RLT right now, but nothing seems to be doing much - do you think if I tried pushing anyway it would help?
Lol bless ya! Pushing might just give u piles lol!

Get bouncing on ur ball and def add the curry powder!

Sent from my gorgeous iphone4
Oh honey, I really hope baby is listening and comes early for you. I think I will be an Xmas day baby for me too at this rate!
I'm hoping for this weekend or early next week too, christmas day will just be a pain. Plus my mil is coming for christmas and saying shes staying till after lo appears, so the quicker the better!
I'm sure they'll b time for a quick bath before hosp?
Dear baby - stop kicking me in the ribs - it hurts and get your arse out here, I have some really cute clothes for you and will sing and everything! Don't you want to see Father Christmas this year?
Monday would be good for me! All aches and pains have severely died down tho :(

Stupid babies! Dont they realise they will have a crap birthday if they come on or after xmas day?

If their birthday is before Christmas then people will be in the mood to meet up for parties and drinks and get togethers! But if they are born after xmas most people are partied out, feeling skint and their birthday will get missed totally by all but family!

Hello baby? Did you hear that? You are going to be blighted for life if you dont come this week!!
Monday would be good for me! All aches and pains have severely died down tho :(

Agreed, monday would be fine. What can we do?

MrsMc - Oooh er about the piles! Didnt think of that - don't have a birthing ball, will it help? Shall i get one tomorrow?
Lol well I'm worried about boxing day as my OH goes out in the piss without fail on boxing day. Poor mite would never see his daddy on his birthday!

Lol well I'm worried about boxing day as my OH goes out in the piss without fail on boxing day. Poor mite would never see his daddy on his birthday!

Until he's 18, and then at least his Daddy can take him out on the lash with him :-)

My baby is definitely a bit thick - I've given him all the signs to come today and nothing!!
As someone with a birthday between christmas and new year it is crap! With my birthday, and my oh's birthday I don't think baby really wants to add to it!
Pity elective induction doesn't exist!!!
I'm going to try going for a walk now, do you think if I over do it and go too far that might help or is it a stupid idea?
I've started doing all the things today that I'm not "meant to do", like carrying in heavy shopping bags etc. But then my lo has been really quiet today, so now I'm getting worried. Going to go for a long walk later though! Can't win either way!
I had a walk yesterday today I've done 3 hours on my ball and regular nipple stimulation!!

I've had some cramps and my bellys rock hard but I don't know if that's just coincidence?

oo good luck ladies....this will be me in about 8 weeks...i want boo boo out at 37 xx

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