Dealing with Nausea and Morning Sickness


Jan 6, 2009
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I am 6w+2d preggers and for the past 3 weeks have been suffering the nastiest nausea! From the moment I wake to the moment I pass out from exhaustion, I feel as though I could projectile vomit at any moment.

I have actually only been sick 3 or 4 times but I retch or gag at least 50 times a day :puke: :puke: :puke:

It's not good!

Anyway, I've tried rich tea biscuits, crackerbread, rice cakes, etc, all different tings that have been recommended to me but nothing seems to stop it apart from constant snacking and I don't want to do that and become an obese Mum! Any suggestions?!?!

PS: I hate ginger, if one more person tries to force it on me then I will just vomit on them!! :puke: :lol:
I'm sorry but constant nibbling is the only thing that helps me, I don't care about putting weight on, anything to stop me from feeling sick! A 1/4 of a cracker every now and again seems to help. Throwing up helps me too, I throw up quite a lot :) When you drink try it from a straw and just have teeny bits.

A friend recommended arrowroot biscuits, they're really plain and they helped me a bit.
i'm finding the nibbling is helping me too, i'm only getting the nausea side but last night i felt so bad i didn't stop myself from being sick.
My morning sickness is definetly related to not eating often enough. I'm sick (mostly retching) every morning about 10mins after I get out of bed. I'm 12wks and have been doing this for about 8 wks now. Only had 2 days where I wasn't actually sick. As soon as I have some breakfast I start to feel better.

Then I start to feel sick about an hour after I eat which is my signal to eat again. If i ignore the sickness and don't eat, I end up retching in the loo until I give in and eat something.

If you're worried about gaining weight, try to snack on something heathly like carrot sticks or fruit.

My eating regime is pretty much:
7:45 - throw up
8am - slice of toast and glass of fruit juice
8:15 - walk the dogs
8:45 - another slice of toast and glass of fruit juice
10am - start to feel ill so eat biscuits or flapjack
11:30 - start to feel ill so have lunch - cheese sandwich, crisps and lemonade (if I don't make this quick enough I'm sick)
1:30 - start to feel ill so eat yogurt or biscuits
4:00 - start to feel ill so eat biscuits
6:00 - have something for tea (if I don't make this quick enough I'm sick)
8:00 - have dessert
9:30 - fall asleep on sofa and wait for whole thing to start again tomorrow :wall:

Obviously thats a good day - something I just feel sick all day and there are many more trips to the loo :rotfl:
bleurgh i posted about this recently too. nothing is helping me either at the moment, and its really getting to me now, so i can't help, but i can totally sympathise :hug:
Right there with you girls! 9.5 weeks pregnant and feeling exactly the same. Not actually being sick, but constantly, all day, nagging nausea, like I could bring my boots up any minute.

Never had this with my first! Just spoken to the MW and told her, but she was over the moon because she said "it's all showing that the pregnancy is going well".......I HATE my MW sometimes!!! LOL

Again I think the almost constant nibbling is the way to go - anytime any place any where!! It's hard because I'm working full time, but even work a holic me has taken a few early days because I just can't function at 100% at the moment!!
Aw hun :hug:

I've found it differs depending on what kind of day I am having as to what makes me feel better....

Would like to point out I have never actually been sick - just felt like it (which to me in some ways is worse!)

My days fall into the following categories:

1) Sick days - I feel nauseous on and off all day and constant nibbling is the only thing that works (things that work include shortbread biscuits, cheese crackers etc)

2) Tired days - I can eat fine but feel like collapsing with exhaustion most of the day

3) Sick AND tired days -NOTHING works on these days, I will feel sick whether I eat or not and generally feel like curling up and never moving ever again. Fortunately these are fairly few and far between.

So, in summary - some days there may be nothing that works but the secret does seem to be to nibble on things through the day (you probably won't gain much weight - especially if you feel too sick to have many full meals :hug: )
I suffered really bad morning sickness during my seventh week, throwing up, nausea, struggling to eat... Then last week it was loads better (just a bit of nausea and could eat again :) ) - I just thought it had happened on its own. Anyway this Sunday gone I suddenly started feeling worse than ever, when I realised I'd forgotten my vitamin pill. It turns out that last week's improvement happened at the same time that I switched my vitamins. I'm pretty sure that's what has made such a difference. I've been reading up on it on the Internet and lots of places say that vitamin B6 is supposed to help with morning sickness - new tablet has 500% RDA instead of 100%, so that seems to back it up.

Hope everyone starts to feel better soon.
babyblonde said:
Aw hun :hug:

I've found it differs depending on what kind of day I am having as to what makes me feel better....

Would like to point out I have never actually been sick - just felt like it (which to me in some ways is worse!)

My days fall into the following categories:

1) Sick days - I feel nauseous on and off all day and constant nibbling is the only thing that works (things that work include shortbread biscuits, cheese crackers etc)

2) Tired days - I can eat fine but feel like collapsing with exhaustion most of the day

3) Sick AND tired days -NOTHING works on these days, I will feel sick whether I eat or not and generally feel like curling up and never moving ever again. Fortunately these are fairly few and far between.

So, in summary - some days there may be nothing that works but the secret does seem to be to nibble on things through the day (you probably won't gain much weight - especially if you feel too sick to have many full meals :hug: )

That pretty much sums up my 12 weeks so far. I had nausea constantly and came to the conclusion that this is worse than throwing up as at least with morning sickness you know you can/will be sick but with the nausea you never know if it will actually lead on to anything.

I actually couldn't tell you when the nausea went but it has now and it's been at least a week. I thin kthe nausea was replaced with constant tiredness and back ache. So for every symptom that eases another takes its place! Yay, go pregnancy :cheer:
I know you hate ginger but holland & barratt do some good ginger extract pills. I had nausea (not for pregnancy, from a side effect from medication) and it really helped.

Some people find coke helps as well. And peppermint tea.

I'm very lucky mine hasn't really kicked in yet it's just a low level feeling at the mo but I will rejoice when I get my first pregnancy vomit (and then curse every one after that :lol:)

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