DDs big day tomorrow! *updated with pic*


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2005
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DD is going to start her new preschool for a morning a week between now and the end of term (4 weeks) to see how she gets on and to introduce to it before she starts for 3 mornings in September. They're going to sort me out a little summer uniform for her, I had to do her snack up tonight and she'll stay for lunch then I'll pick her up at 1pm. I'm going to get a piccie of her, it feels like her first day at school  :rotfl: I can't wait to hear how she gets on, hopefully she'll really enjoy the structure and being with other children without me being there.
aww im sure she'll love it (one you're out of sight lol) let us now how she gets on :hug:
Awww thats so exciting Kina although sad as shes growing up i hope she enjoys it although im sure she will it will be good for her as shes very bright, let us know how she gets on.

:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
aww hope she really enjoys herself. can't wait to see the pic of her in her uniform.
awwwww i hope she enjoys it and you dont miss heer too much

:hug: :hug:
She was so tired when I picked her up! I was quite worried as I was expecting her to be talking about it, but she hasn't said much so far apart from she sang the ABC song, which she then reeled off to me, bless her.

I was so upset after I left her this morning, but it seemed to go ok. Apart from that she was sick when she had her lunch :shock:

Think it was a bit of a shock to the system, she still hasn't napped since she's been back though.
Here is a pic of her in her summer dress, it's a funny angle so she looks really huge :lol:

Aww bless her i hope shes ok after being sick.

She looks so grown up in her dress. :D
Kina said:
She was so tired when I picked her up! I was quite worried as I was expecting her to be talking about it, but she hasn't said much so far apart from she sang the ABC song, which she then reeled off to me, bless her.

I was so upset after I left her this morning, but it seemed to go ok. Apart from that she was sick when she had her lunch :shock:

Think it was a bit of a shock to the system, she still hasn't napped since she's been back though.

Im really glad she enjoyed it. Dont worry about her not talking about it, despite being very chatty, Jessica very rarely told us at first what she got up to at nursery, I had to ask the teachers. Now, we get it chapter and verse about what happened, who said what to who and whats happening the next day. Her uniform is just the cutest.
omg the uniform looks huge... :shock: Its sooooo incredibly cute it makes me wanna cry :cry:
omg she looks so cute, and the uniform so big :hug: :hug:
oh wow what a big day! i think i will blub the whole way home the first time i leave luke!! she looks so cute and so grown up! glad it went well x x

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