Daytime naps

Mrs. KM

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2011
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Well after 6 weeks of establishing breastfeeding and having K on the boob so much, it seems that she won't nap unless she has my nipple in her mouth. On the kelly mom website it says comfort nursing is fine, but I can't really do it forever. I have managed to get her to sleep in a wrap a few times, but most times she will only nap if she is nursing. Has anyone had this problem or do you have suggestions?
Not really had this problem but have you tried a dummy?? I know its not for everyone but my little one loves to suck and used to use me as a dummy so we started using one and now goes to sleep quite well!! Also remember that as they get older they tire themselves out more so fall asleep a little bit easier!!
Thanks Mrs N! She isn't a fan of the dummy, but I may try it a bit more often. Maybe she will take it if she's tired rather than hungry!
Well, my little girl is kind of like this as well. But hubby gets her to sleep sometimes. He has her wrapped in blankets and close to his chest and she falls asleep and he puts her to bed and she continues to sleep there. But she has to be full!!
I'm going through something similar with Tyler. He was like that but I moved him into his bouncy chair (which isn't a great habit but it meant I could get on with stuff) now he's 12 weeks I'm going to encourage his morning sleep in the cot and once this is established I'll encourage more. I think it'll be hard work as he is too little to be left to cry (which I think can be cruel) but he's good with his nighttime routine so I'm hoping creating a routine is the answer!

Yeah, I think she is too young to leave cry too. I certainly can't let her cry anyway lol. Thank goodness she is great at night... Knock on wood! My parents are coming to visit for a week so I am hoping my Mom can help :)
Alyssa is like that a bit too. on the boob she falls fast asleep and if shes full she settles really well. if i try to get her to sleep without the boob then i do have to resort to dummy which is hit or miss as i get it spat at me often and if i do manage to rock her to sleep she wakes the minute i put her down too. plus she hardly ever unlatches by herself unless shes totally asleep which can take an hour lol
Try out a few dummys as harry is very particular about the dummy he likes and we have tried other ones but he likes the flat ones. Good thing is he knows he only gets it to go to sleep and as he is getting a little bit older he doesnt need it evry time!!

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