Daytime Naps - Help!!!


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2011
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I'm exhausted! Phoebe has been up since half 7 this morning and has not napped at all. It's been a nightmare all week. I just can't get her to daytime nap it feels like I spend all day trying.
I can't get her to self settle, she won't take a dummy (i've tried loads of different teats). I normally have to feed her to sleep and she'll go to sleep in her bouncer, not this week though. I've tried putting her down in her cot and she wakes up as soon as I put her in and she hates being rocked.
If I take her out for a walk she'll go to sleep but will wake up about 15 - 20 mins after we've been back.
She's been so over tired and grumpy all week I dunno what else to do :(.
How can I get her to nap, self settle in her cot?

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Would it help to swaddle her a bit , I know she's a bit big ? Or a warm drink before her nap ? Is she teething or hungrier than usual ? Sorry I'm just throwing out ideas Hun , I wish I could help more .
There's something in the air!!! Tyler skipped a nap today do has gone down for his second early and thrown our little routine out (he's only properly started napping the last couple of weeks)

At the moment I feed him down. My plan is -
I brought a swanky sound/light show machine. I'm trying to find a sound he likes and play it everytime he feeds off, he'll (hopefully) associate the sound with bed time so I can leave him to ss.

He stopped ssing about a month a go :wall:

I've been having major problems with daytime naps too. Emily will only usually sleep after a feed with me holding her.
Today we went out in the car t get her to sleep, then left her in her car seat by the back door so it was still quite chilly and so I didn't have to take her little coat off. Could you try maybe leaving your LO in the garden (if you have one) for a bit when you get back (watching her obviously! Lol) or near an open window so it feels like she is still outside?
Yeah she is teething. I've been giving her anbesol and calpol for it. I have to swaddle her to feed her most of the time otherwise she flings her arms about and knocks the bottle over the other side of the room. I have to swaddle and sing to her the whole time she feeds otherwise she just screams through it.
It's stressing us both out so much.

OH doesn't help, he's got a day off today and he reckons that swaddling her to take her milk is restraining and force feeding her and that singing to her is getting her into bad habits and spoiling her! He's reckons she's obviously not tired and he's got her on his lap and playing with her (she is screaming). He's told me to go away and leave them to it. So I'm sat upstairs and can just hear her screaming :cry:
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Oh hun you poor thing :( I feel your pain. Angel just won't keep her arms still and won't stop yanking her dummy out when I'm trying to settle her and although she doesn't scream or even cry she just moans and really fights it. I don't know what to do either :( so I'm really sorry I haven't got any good advice, just wanted to say I know how you feel and hope it gets better soon. xxxx
When you put her down for a nap. Do you pick her straight back up as soon as she cries?
I leave Hannah for 2 mins then go back in if she crying and just reassure her with a hand on her chest and just say 'come on its nap time Hannah'. I normally have to do it a few times but she does eventually go off. I only leave her if it's tired moans and cries. Not distressed. And only if I know she not hungry and has a clean nap on. If she doesn't go off I get her back out and play again til she yawns then I try again. Or I rock her to see how tired she is. Very tired she closes eyes or does drunk look quite quick.
She is a nightmare for afternoon napping though. Think she just going to be a cat napper! But at least I give her the opportunity to nap. That's all I can do really x
Have you tried the dummy when she is on the point of falling asleep from breast? Thats how i got Jasper on them. He spat them out every time i gave him one but couldnt fall asleep without sucking. It was a nightmare then i started him with a feed and as soon as he got sleepy i pulled breast out and stuck dummy in. It took about a week but now i lie him down and i lie down next to him. He cries and i put dummy in, then take it away, let him cry a bit more and get more tired then put it in again, we do this 3 or 4 times and within 10 minutes he's sucking away with his eyes closed and i can creep away. (i can explain this better and more fully if you want to try it)
Might work for you too?
I'm bottle feeding star fish, but I suppose in theory it should work the same, like when I take the bottle of her mouth quickly swap it for the dummy, I'll give that a go thanks.

And yeah Samsgirl I've tried leaving her for a minute or two but she just starts screaming instead of grumbling :( she gets herself really worked up.
I'm going to make it my mission next week to get her to nap in her cot cos she can't nap in her bouncer forever lol. I'll persist with the dummy and try soothing her when she gets too worked up and then putting her back down again, thanks girls :) x

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