Daughter's changed since starting nursery


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2013
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My daughter used to be really confident and self-assured. Since starting nursery she's become really clingy and whiney. I wonder if it's nursery or that she's changing because she's getting older, but the two do seem to have coincided and it may be more than just a coincidence.

I just have no idea how to handle a clingy child. It's driving me insane!!! I've tried reassuring her that I'll always be there and even though I go to work, I come back again. I've also tried to get her to tell me if there's anything she doesn't like at nursery, but there doesn't seem to be. I wonder if she's just unsettled by it, but she's been going since late Sept/early Oct. I'm going to speak to her key worker at nursery to see if there's anything they can think of.

Anyone have any ideas for getting her confidence back?
It could be as simple as she's been used to having you around all of the time, and now you're off to work it's come as a bit of a shock that you're not there all the time. How to help with that I have no idea I'm afraid!!
My boy has just turned two and has just started being clingy the last month or so and not wanting to go to nursery. He has been going to nursery since 9 months and prior to this episode he never showed any clingy ness or dislike of nursery. So I'm thinking it's just a phase as no other changes at nursery. Although my other theory is that he soon is going to have another sibling to contend with so wants more mummy time...? Getting him out the house to nursery is such a challenge!
No advice ella but sorry she's having a hard time. I dread this time coming x x
Had this phase after Jess's hospital admission. Apparently it helps to make a big deal out of saying goodbye when you leave them and not sneak out. It felt like it lasted forever but it was about 6-8 weeks with a gradual improvement through that time.
I also read it helps to play lots of peepo type games.

It's a tough phase, hope it passes quickly for you.
Thanks. It's really not been a great time. We've all been ill non-stop since they started too, so that can't have helped.

I had some good news on Monday evening about a possible job opportunity, which would mean less time for them in nursery, so keeping fingers crossed on that one.

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