That's true Hun, the longer it goes on the worse it gets. Not that I'm trying to be disrespectful to anyone that's had a loss as any loss is devastating but I'm just glad mines now.
I just pray to god that I can get pregnant again as this was the first bfp I've ever had. I've read info that suggests after a mc a woman is more fertile - how true that is who knows but I'm ready to get back on the ttc wagon again and put this behind me. I've also asked for a full bloodwork test to check I have no deficiencies as I follow an almost vegan diet so just want to make sure everything is ok.
Not sure whether to start using opks again either, I didn't this cycle I just happened to bd two times during what was guessed as my fertile window. Think I'm gonna take a bit of a laid back approach and not stress too much x
My sister in law MC at 6 weeeks and fell pregnant straight away. i have read some things online which suggest a woman is more fertile.
I had a funny bleed when TTC that I cant be certain if it was maybe a very early MC. I had spotting for three days, followed by clots, then nothing. For the month following i used OPK's as i wanted to ensure my cycle was still in line with what id thought. Although, previous to that, I found i was becoming obsessive over testing. Then when AF did come it worried me further as i was so disheartened that we must have tried at the right time but no luck. I didn't conceive using OPKs.
How long have you been trying? x
All in all I'd say we've been trying for about 5 years but that has included breaks and months where I've genuinely just wanted to take time out. I also used opks obsessively but seemed to realise it was always a positive on the same days each cycle and clearblues are certainly not cheap. I was the same too, I just felt so upset each month as I put time into tracking everything and thought this is not worth the time anymore if each months ending with af.
This month/next af I will use opks just to get me back on track though. I tried temping too and just hated it - having to bloody wake up early and do that just annoyed me more than the opks lol.
I've been trying to chalk up what might have got me a bfp this month and have narrowed it down to a few things or could just be pot luck who knows but this last month rather than taking my usual multivitamin I switched to the wellwoman conception, hubby was on a wellman conception about 3 months ago but he somehow ended up back on his own multivitamins (might have to get him back on them) and we also both had smoothies this past 2 months with maca in.
I've no idea if that helped and did the job but even though this month hasn't panned out how id of hoped I can at least have some form of comfort that I've actually managed to get a bfp. Just hope I can repeat this and it sticks next time. It sounds mental but I'm more upset and worried of the thought of not getting another bfp than I am what's happened this week X