Dark brown spotting 6dpo, is this normal?

Hey ladies, went to the docs this morning, had my test done and it was negative. I've not had anymore bleeding just a little leftover from yesterday after I went for a poop *sorry gross* but that's it for how so hopefully it won't be a bad miscarriage. Haven't had any cramps at all either thankfully.
I have to go back tomorrow for bloodwork though.
Wish this would all hurry and be over so I can start again xx
Sounds like a chemical you are right tho the earlier it happens the easier it is, my miscarriage I only had light bleeding and some cramps but I think if it happened now it would be agonizing
That's true Hun, the longer it goes on the worse it gets. Not that I'm trying to be disrespectful to anyone that's had a loss as any loss is devastating but I'm just glad mines now.
I just pray to god that I can get pregnant again as this was the first bfp I've ever had. I've read info that suggests after a mc a woman is more fertile - how true that is who knows but I'm ready to get back on the ttc wagon again and put this behind me. I've also asked for a full bloodwork test to check I have no deficiencies as I follow an almost vegan diet so just want to make sure everything is ok.
Not sure whether to start using opks again either, I didn't this cycle I just happened to bd two times during what was guessed as my fertile window. Think I'm gonna take a bit of a laid back approach and not stress too much x
Oh so sorry about that hellesbelles,how upsetting,maybe bloodwork will show differently though. Hoping for you xx
Best of luck lovely xx
That's true Hun, the longer it goes on the worse it gets. Not that I'm trying to be disrespectful to anyone that's had a loss as any loss is devastating but I'm just glad mines now.
I just pray to god that I can get pregnant again as this was the first bfp I've ever had. I've read info that suggests after a mc a woman is more fertile - how true that is who knows but I'm ready to get back on the ttc wagon again and put this behind me. I've also asked for a full bloodwork test to check I have no deficiencies as I follow an almost vegan diet so just want to make sure everything is ok.
Not sure whether to start using opks again either, I didn't this cycle I just happened to bd two times during what was guessed as my fertile window. Think I'm gonna take a bit of a laid back approach and not stress too much x

My sister in law MC at 6 weeeks and fell pregnant straight away. i have read some things online which suggest a woman is more fertile.
I had a funny bleed when TTC that I cant be certain if it was maybe a very early MC. I had spotting for three days, followed by clots, then nothing. For the month following i used OPK's as i wanted to ensure my cycle was still in line with what id thought. Although, previous to that, I found i was becoming obsessive over testing. Then when AF did come it worried me further as i was so disheartened that we must have tried at the right time but no luck. I didn't conceive using OPKs.
How long have you been trying? x
That's true Hun, the longer it goes on the worse it gets. Not that I'm trying to be disrespectful to anyone that's had a loss as any loss is devastating but I'm just glad mines now.
I just pray to god that I can get pregnant again as this was the first bfp I've ever had. I've read info that suggests after a mc a woman is more fertile - how true that is who knows but I'm ready to get back on the ttc wagon again and put this behind me. I've also asked for a full bloodwork test to check I have no deficiencies as I follow an almost vegan diet so just want to make sure everything is ok.
Not sure whether to start using opks again either, I didn't this cycle I just happened to bd two times during what was guessed as my fertile window. Think I'm gonna take a bit of a laid back approach and not stress too much x

My sister in law MC at 6 weeeks and fell pregnant straight away. i have read some things online which suggest a woman is more fertile.
I had a funny bleed when TTC that I cant be certain if it was maybe a very early MC. I had spotting for three days, followed by clots, then nothing. For the month following i used OPK's as i wanted to ensure my cycle was still in line with what id thought. Although, previous to that, I found i was becoming obsessive over testing. Then when AF did come it worried me further as i was so disheartened that we must have tried at the right time but no luck. I didn't conceive using OPKs.
How long have you been trying? x

All in all I'd say we've been trying for about 5 years but that has included breaks and months where I've genuinely just wanted to take time out. I also used opks obsessively but seemed to realise it was always a positive on the same days each cycle and clearblues are certainly not cheap. I was the same too, I just felt so upset each month as I put time into tracking everything and thought this is not worth the time anymore if each months ending with af.
This month/next af I will use opks just to get me back on track though. I tried temping too and just hated it - having to bloody wake up early and do that just annoyed me more than the opks lol.
I've been trying to chalk up what might have got me a bfp this month and have narrowed it down to a few things or could just be pot luck who knows but this last month rather than taking my usual multivitamin I switched to the wellwoman conception, hubby was on a wellman conception about 3 months ago but he somehow ended up back on his own multivitamins (might have to get him back on them) and we also both had smoothies this past 2 months with maca in.
I've no idea if that helped and did the job but even though this month hasn't panned out how id of hoped I can at least have some form of comfort that I've actually managed to get a bfp. Just hope I can repeat this and it sticks next time. It sounds mental but I'm more upset and worried of the thought of not getting another bfp than I am what's happened this week X
Last edited:
Yes I can understand that hellesbelle, as months and months of getting AF gets tedious and torturous especially when so much energy, time and emotion goes into it. Xx
That's true Hun, the longer it goes on the worse it gets. Not that I'm trying to be disrespectful to anyone that's had a loss as any loss is devastating but I'm just glad mines now.
I just pray to god that I can get pregnant again as this was the first bfp I've ever had. I've read info that suggests after a mc a woman is more fertile - how true that is who knows but I'm ready to get back on the ttc wagon again and put this behind me. I've also asked for a full bloodwork test to check I have no deficiencies as I follow an almost vegan diet so just want to make sure everything is ok.
Not sure whether to start using opks again either, I didn't this cycle I just happened to bd two times during what was guessed as my fertile window. Think I'm gonna take a bit of a laid back approach and not stress too much x

My sister in law MC at 6 weeeks and fell pregnant straight away. i have read some things online which suggest a woman is more fertile.
I had a funny bleed when TTC that I cant be certain if it was maybe a very early MC. I had spotting for three days, followed by clots, then nothing. For the month following i used OPK's as i wanted to ensure my cycle was still in line with what id thought. Although, previous to that, I found i was becoming obsessive over testing. Then when AF did come it worried me further as i was so disheartened that we must have tried at the right time but no luck. I didn't conceive using OPKs.
How long have you been trying? x

All in all I'd say we've been trying for about 5 years but that has included breaks and months where I've genuinely just wanted to take time out. I also used opks obsessively but seemed to realise it was always a positive on the same days each cycle and clearblues are certainly not cheap. I was the same too, I just felt so upset each month as I put time into tracking everything and thought this is not worth the time anymore if each months ending with af.
This month/next af I will use opks just to get me back on track though. I tried temping too and just hated it - having to bloody wake up early and do that just annoyed me more than the opks lol.
I've been trying to chalk up what might have got me a bfp this month and have narrowed it down to a few things or could just be pot luck who knows but this last month rather than taking my usual multivitamin I switched to the wellwoman conception, hubby was on a wellman conception about 3 months ago but he somehow ended up back on his own multivitamins (might have to get him back on them) and we also both had smoothies this past 2 months with maca in.
I've no idea if that helped and did the job but even though this month hasn't panned out how id of hoped I can at least have some form of comfort that I've actually managed to get a bfp. Just hope I can repeat this and it sticks next time. It sounds mental but I'm more upset and worried of the thought of not getting another bfp than I am what's happened this week X

Aw my lovely I'm so sorry to hear you've had such a hard journey to getting your first sign of a pregnancy :sad:
In relation to opks, I used one step from Amazon. Apparently they are used by the NHS, I got 50 for about £5. They are not as fancy as the expensive ones, but they did the job. Maybe worth a look if you did want to try them again. I have some if you want me to send them? Have a trial run. DM me your address if you do want them. I've got everything crossed for you xxx
That's true Hun, the longer it goes on the worse it gets. Not that I'm trying to be disrespectful to anyone that's had a loss as any loss is devastating but I'm just glad mines now.
I just pray to god that I can get pregnant again as this was the first bfp I've ever had. I've read info that suggests after a mc a woman is more fertile - how true that is who knows but I'm ready to get back on the ttc wagon again and put this behind me. I've also asked for a full bloodwork test to check I have no deficiencies as I follow an almost vegan diet so just want to make sure everything is ok.
Not sure whether to start using opks again either, I didn't this cycle I just happened to bd two times during what was guessed as my fertile window. Think I'm gonna take a bit of a laid back approach and not stress too much x

My sister in law MC at 6 weeeks and fell pregnant straight away. i have read some things online which suggest a woman is more fertile.
I had a funny bleed when TTC that I cant be certain if it was maybe a very early MC. I had spotting for three days, followed by clots, then nothing. For the month following i used OPK's as i wanted to ensure my cycle was still in line with what id thought. Although, previous to that, I found i was becoming obsessive over testing. Then when AF did come it worried me further as i was so disheartened that we must have tried at the right time but no luck. I didn't conceive using OPKs.
How long have you been trying? x

All in all I'd say we've been trying for about 5 years but that has included breaks and months where I've genuinely just wanted to take time out. I also used opks obsessively but seemed to realise it was always a positive on the same days each cycle and clearblues are certainly not cheap. I was the same too, I just felt so upset each month as I put time into tracking everything and thought this is not worth the time anymore if each months ending with af.
This month/next af I will use opks just to get me back on track though. I tried temping too and just hated it - having to bloody wake up early and do that just annoyed me more than the opks lol.
I've been trying to chalk up what might have got me a bfp this month and have narrowed it down to a few things or could just be pot luck who knows but this last month rather than taking my usual multivitamin I switched to the wellwoman conception, hubby was on a wellman conception about 3 months ago but he somehow ended up back on his own multivitamins (might have to get him back on them) and we also both had smoothies this past 2 months with maca in.
I've no idea if that helped and did the job but even though this month hasn't panned out how id of hoped I can at least have some form of comfort that I've actually managed to get a bfp. Just hope I can repeat this and it sticks next time. It sounds mental but I'm more upset and worried of the thought of not getting another bfp than I am what's happened this week X

Aw my lovely I'm so sorry to hear you've had such a hard journey to getting your first sign of a pregnancy :sad:
In relation to opks, I used one step from Amazon. Apparently they are used by the NHS, I got 50 for about £5. They are not as fancy as the expensive ones, but they did the job. Maybe worth a look if you did want to try them again. I have some if you want me to send them? Have a trial run. DM me your address if you do want them. I've got everything crossed for you xxx

Aw thank you Hun that's a kind gesture, I actually beat you to it and ordered some of those last night off of amazon too lol, I've never used ones like that before but I think they'd be better anyway, unless you use the clear blues for a good week before ov it can give a false reading as it needs a good few sticks to record your readings. At least these tests are all one offs.
I think I'll just date each one and stick them in a notepad, I'm pretty sure I'm in tune with my cycles now after trying for so long, I can always feel when I'm coming up to ov day. Hopefully this next cycle comes on time. Xx
That's true Hun, the longer it goes on the worse it gets. Not that I'm trying to be disrespectful to anyone that's had a loss as any loss is devastating but I'm just glad mines now.
I just pray to god that I can get pregnant again as this was the first bfp I've ever had. I've read info that suggests after a mc a woman is more fertile - how true that is who knows but I'm ready to get back on the ttc wagon again and put this behind me. I've also asked for a full bloodwork test to check I have no deficiencies as I follow an almost vegan diet so just want to make sure everything is ok.
Not sure whether to start using opks again either, I didn't this cycle I just happened to bd two times during what was guessed as my fertile window. Think I'm gonna take a bit of a laid back approach and not stress too much x

My sister in law MC at 6 weeeks and fell pregnant straight away. i have read some things online which suggest a woman is more fertile.
I had a funny bleed when TTC that I cant be certain if it was maybe a very early MC. I had spotting for three days, followed by clots, then nothing. For the month following i used OPK's as i wanted to ensure my cycle was still in line with what id thought. Although, previous to that, I found i was becoming obsessive over testing. Then when AF did come it worried me further as i was so disheartened that we must have tried at the right time but no luck. I didn't conceive using OPKs.
How long have you been trying? x

All in all I'd say we've been trying for about 5 years but that has included breaks and months where I've genuinely just wanted to take time out. I also used opks obsessively but seemed to realise it was always a positive on the same days each cycle and clearblues are certainly not cheap. I was the same too, I just felt so upset each month as I put time into tracking everything and thought this is not worth the time anymore if each months ending with af.
This month/next af I will use opks just to get me back on track though. I tried temping too and just hated it - having to bloody wake up early and do that just annoyed me more than the opks lol.
I've been trying to chalk up what might have got me a bfp this month and have narrowed it down to a few things or could just be pot luck who knows but this last month rather than taking my usual multivitamin I switched to the wellwoman conception, hubby was on a wellman conception about 3 months ago but he somehow ended up back on his own multivitamins (might have to get him back on them) and we also both had smoothies this past 2 months with maca in.
I've no idea if that helped and did the job but even though this month hasn't panned out how id of hoped I can at least have some form of comfort that I've actually managed to get a bfp. Just hope I can repeat this and it sticks next time. It sounds mental but I'm more upset and worried of the thought of not getting another bfp than I am what's happened this week X

Aw my lovely I'm so sorry to hear you've had such a hard journey to getting your first sign of a pregnancy :sad:
In relation to opks, I used one step from Amazon. Apparently they are used by the NHS, I got 50 for about £5. They are not as fancy as the expensive ones, but they did the job. Maybe worth a look if you did want to try them again. I have some if you want me to send them? Have a trial run. DM me your address if you do want them. I've got everything crossed for you xxx

Aw thank you Hun that's a kind gesture, I actually beat you to it and ordered some of those last night off of amazon too lol, I've never used ones like that before but I think they'd be better anyway, unless you use the clear blues for a good week before ov it can give a false reading as it needs a good few sticks to record your readings. At least these tests are all one offs.
I think I'll just date each one and stick them in a notepad, I'm pretty sure I'm in tune with my cycles now after trying for so long, I can always feel when I'm coming up to ov day. Hopefully this next cycle comes on time. Xx

You are welcome. They're easy enough to get on with, I did that, taped them into a pad with dates and times. Fx for you :dust: xxx
That's true Hun, the longer it goes on the worse it gets. Not that I'm trying to be disrespectful to anyone that's had a loss as any loss is devastating but I'm just glad mines now.
I just pray to god that I can get pregnant again as this was the first bfp I've ever had. I've read info that suggests after a mc a woman is more fertile - how true that is who knows but I'm ready to get back on the ttc wagon again and put this behind me. I've also asked for a full bloodwork test to check I have no deficiencies as I follow an almost vegan diet so just want to make sure everything is ok.
Not sure whether to start using opks again either, I didn't this cycle I just happened to bd two times during what was guessed as my fertile window. Think I'm gonna take a bit of a laid back approach and not stress too much x

My sister in law MC at 6 weeeks and fell pregnant straight away. i have read some things online which suggest a woman is more fertile.
I had a funny bleed when TTC that I cant be certain if it was maybe a very early MC. I had spotting for three days, followed by clots, then nothing. For the month following i used OPK's as i wanted to ensure my cycle was still in line with what id thought. Although, previous to that, I found i was becoming obsessive over testing. Then when AF did come it worried me further as i was so disheartened that we must have tried at the right time but no luck. I didn't conceive using OPKs.
How long have you been trying? x

All in all I'd say we've been trying for about 5 years but that has included breaks and months where I've genuinely just wanted to take time out. I also used opks obsessively but seemed to realise it was always a positive on the same days each cycle and clearblues are certainly not cheap. I was the same too, I just felt so upset each month as I put time into tracking everything and thought this is not worth the time anymore if each months ending with af.
This month/next af I will use opks just to get me back on track though. I tried temping too and just hated it - having to bloody wake up early and do that just annoyed me more than the opks lol.
I've been trying to chalk up what might have got me a bfp this month and have narrowed it down to a few things or could just be pot luck who knows but this last month rather than taking my usual multivitamin I switched to the wellwoman conception, hubby was on a wellman conception about 3 months ago but he somehow ended up back on his own multivitamins (might have to get him back on them) and we also both had smoothies this past 2 months with maca in.
I've no idea if that helped and did the job but even though this month hasn't panned out how id of hoped I can at least have some form of comfort that I've actually managed to get a bfp. Just hope I can repeat this and it sticks next time. It sounds mental but I'm more upset and worried of the thought of not getting another bfp than I am what's happened this week X

Aw my lovely I'm so sorry to hear you've had such a hard journey to getting your first sign of a pregnancy :sad:
In relation to opks, I used one step from Amazon. Apparently they are used by the NHS, I got 50 for about £5. They are not as fancy as the expensive ones, but they did the job. Maybe worth a look if you did want to try them again. I have some if you want me to send them? Have a trial run. DM me your address if you do want them. I've got everything crossed for you xxx

Aw thank you Hun that's a kind gesture, I actually beat you to it and ordered some of those last night off of amazon too lol, I've never used ones like that before but I think they'd be better anyway, unless you use the clear blues for a good week before ov it can give a false reading as it needs a good few sticks to record your readings. At least these tests are all one offs.
I think I'll just date each one and stick them in a notepad, I'm pretty sure I'm in tune with my cycles now after trying for so long, I can always feel when I'm coming up to ov day. Hopefully this next cycle comes on time. Xx

You are welcome. They're easy enough to get on with, I did that, taped them into a pad with dates and times. Fx for you :dust: xxx

Thanks Hun xx just had my bloodwork done, she said I won't get the results until next Friday, seems a long wait!
I did have one question about the ov test strips, what warrants a negative? When the line isn't as dark as the control line?
I'm definitely gonna need to use a bunch of these to try and see the change in the line colours. I did a practice one just now, hopefully once my hormones settle they should be easier to read as if they all look like this I'll have no clue when I'm definitely ovulating!

That's true Hun, the longer it goes on the worse it gets. Not that I'm trying to be disrespectful to anyone that's had a loss as any loss is devastating but I'm just glad mines now.
I just pray to god that I can get pregnant again as this was the first bfp I've ever had. I've read info that suggests after a mc a woman is more fertile - how true that is who knows but I'm ready to get back on the ttc wagon again and put this behind me. I've also asked for a full bloodwork test to check I have no deficiencies as I follow an almost vegan diet so just want to make sure everything is ok.
Not sure whether to start using opks again either, I didn't this cycle I just happened to bd two times during what was guessed as my fertile window. Think I'm gonna take a bit of a laid back approach and not stress too much x

My sister in law MC at 6 weeeks and fell pregnant straight away. i have read some things online which suggest a woman is more fertile.
I had a funny bleed when TTC that I cant be certain if it was maybe a very early MC. I had spotting for three days, followed by clots, then nothing. For the month following i used OPK's as i wanted to ensure my cycle was still in line with what id thought. Although, previous to that, I found i was becoming obsessive over testing. Then when AF did come it worried me further as i was so disheartened that we must have tried at the right time but no luck. I didn't conceive using OPKs.
How long have you been trying? x

All in all I'd say we've been trying for about 5 years but that has included breaks and months where I've genuinely just wanted to take time out. I also used opks obsessively but seemed to realise it was always a positive on the same days each cycle and clearblues are certainly not cheap. I was the same too, I just felt so upset each month as I put time into tracking everything and thought this is not worth the time anymore if each months ending with af.
This month/next af I will use opks just to get me back on track though. I tried temping too and just hated it - having to bloody wake up early and do that just annoyed me more than the opks lol.
I've been trying to chalk up what might have got me a bfp this month and have narrowed it down to a few things or could just be pot luck who knows but this last month rather than taking my usual multivitamin I switched to the wellwoman conception, hubby was on a wellman conception about 3 months ago but he somehow ended up back on his own multivitamins (might have to get him back on them) and we also both had smoothies this past 2 months with maca in.
I've no idea if that helped and did the job but even though this month hasn't panned out how id of hoped I can at least have some form of comfort that I've actually managed to get a bfp. Just hope I can repeat this and it sticks next time. It sounds mental but I'm more upset and worried of the thought of not getting another bfp than I am what's happened this week X

Aw my lovely I'm so sorry to hear you've had such a hard journey to getting your first sign of a pregnancy :sad:
In relation to opks, I used one step from Amazon. Apparently they are used by the NHS, I got 50 for about £5. They are not as fancy as the expensive ones, but they did the job. Maybe worth a look if you did want to try them again. I have some if you want me to send them? Have a trial run. DM me your address if you do want them. I've got everything crossed for you xxx

Aw thank you Hun that's a kind gesture, I actually beat you to it and ordered some of those last night off of amazon too lol, I've never used ones like that before but I think they'd be better anyway, unless you use the clear blues for a good week before ov it can give a false reading as it needs a good few sticks to record your readings. At least these tests are all one offs.
I think I'll just date each one and stick them in a notepad, I'm pretty sure I'm in tune with my cycles now after trying for so long, I can always feel when I'm coming up to ov day. Hopefully this next cycle comes on time. Xx

You are welcome. They're easy enough to get on with, I did that, taped them into a pad with dates and times. Fx for you :dust: xxx

Thanks Hun xx just had my bloodwork done, she said I won't get the results until next Friday, seems a long wait!
I did have one question about the ov test strips, what warrants a negative? When the line isn't as dark as the control line?
I'm definitely gonna need to use a bunch of these to try and see the change in the line colours. I did a practice one just now, hopefully once my hormones settle they should be easier to read as if they all look like this I'll have no clue when I'm definitely ovulating!


I know opks still show positive when there is hgc still, in the next week or so I should imagine it will fade. When you do ov both lines will appear near on identical again. Think you get the surge which produces the hormones so good strong line then the egg follows within like 24 hours. I know with the clear blue it gives you the green light doesn't it, with this it's a bit more like guess work. I'd just go go go for it in the days that follow the good line. Best of luck this month, rooting for you xxx

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