ovulation pains?


Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2007
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Morning all,
Im currently on day 23 of first cycle since comming off pill.

Since friday ive had pains, not as intense as AF pains but there pretty much constantly.

Sat i had some brown blood (very slight) in CM when wiped.

Have don OPK's since day 10 and not had a poss , so i assumed i had missed the surge and these pains were poss early pregnancy symptoms.
( the brown blood, poss implantation bleed )

But then yesterday i did OPK test (kept doing them incase I was OV late) and it was a definate poss.

Soooooooooo were these pains ovulation pains?

Be grateful for you girls opinions, hope i've made sense!! :?
It could have been, but then ovulation tests can pick up Hcg aswell, so it might be worth doing a pregnancy test!
Thanks GGG.............Im visiting my mother so no chance of getting hands on a preg test, that had crossed my mind :? If i do another ovulation kit tonight and it is only ovulation would it still show poss tonight?

We BD last night anyhow. I just wondered what everyone elses ovulation pains felt like? Do they last this long, still got tummy twinges today, but boobs feel normal. :think:
I've only once experienced ovulation pains. It's possible you have too.
Like GGG said OPK's detect the surge in your LH hormone that is released 24 hours before ovulation then for 2-4 days aftewards getting weaker every passing hour from that initial surge till it's all gone. Should you have concieved early though the OPK's (sometimes) remain positive as HCG hormone will also set them off (not all the time but some of the time). You can't rely on a positive OPK as signs of a positive HPT test but if you are still getting an +OPK days and days after the initial positive. I'd certinally not hesitate in buying a pregnancy test. Good luck! :hug:
I dont know anything about ov pains because I've never had them. But if it is ovulation then its good that you bd'd last nite and you should bd again today and tomorrow. If its not ov then hopefully its implantaion, like the other girls said opk's detect hcg too. I would take it as ov and get bd'ing, then in a few day's take a pregnancy test. Then you will know wether it was ov or implantion.
Thanks girls, thats what i'll do JodieLou.

I will be home tomorrow, so if still geting these pains may do a HPT.............cant help myself im afraid ! :roll:

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