Hi girlies
Well, Daniel is a bit better. Today he is having fluids ok and even had a couple of youghurts. Yesterday in the evening it was horrible. While he was asleep i was trying to give him some diorolite using syringe. I managed to give him about 15 mls. But it was absolutely horrible! he was asleep and was sort of choking
The things arent made better that my DH also got thins thing
He was sick yesterday non stop since approx 6pm till 5 this morning
Today he is feeling a bit better, but still has diarreah and is quite weak.
So, not much help to me, poor thing.
And, I, apart from not sleeping for ages (I slept approx 5 hours in the last 72) also vomited first thing this morning. But I think, it is cos I am so tired. Have been ok in sickness department since, BUT I have quite hight temperature 37.9 already (ok is 36.6). And I know, that is just going to go up.
Daniel is crying at the moment
And I have absolute no power to do anything
And the worse is, that there is ABSOLUTELY no one who can help us looking after Daniel
I am just so so tired